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VBA Module ExcelHelpers [Excel]

ExcelHelpers is a Visual Basic for Application module that provides some functions I encounter when automating Excel related tasks with VBA.
ExcelHelpers depends on


colLetterToNum, colNumToLetter converts between column letters and column numbers
createButton Create a button that occupies a specifed range.
deleteRange If the specified range name exists: calls its .clearFormats and .clearContents methods and then deletes the named range.
insertHyperlinkToVBAMacro Inserts a =hyperlink(…) worksheet function that calls a user defined VBA function when clicked.
isRibbonShown Returns true or false, depending on the visibility of the Ribbon
pageNumberOfCell(c) returns the page number on which the given cell (c) is located.
resetExcelSheet Resets a worksheet to a pristine state.
showRibbon Shows or hides the Ribbon
unprotect(sh, pw) tries to unprotect worksheet sh with password pw. Returns true if successful, false otherwise. Compare with menu Review -> Protect -> Protect Sheet
xlsStartFillSheet, xlsEndFillSheet Applies and reverts some settings to optimize VBA execution when updating large amounts of data in worksheets.


   name as string, _
   optional deleteIfExists as boolean = false, _
   optional wb as workbook = nothing
findWorksheet(…) returns the worksheet that is identified by the given name.
If no such worksheet exists, it is created.
Optionally, the parameter deleteIfExists can be set to true to always return a newly created worksheet.
The third parameter, wb, specifies the workbook in which the sheet is to be found. If using the default nothing, it searches for a worksheet with the given name in thisWorkbook.


dim hyperlinkCell as range : set hyperlinkCell = …
insertHyperlinkToVBAMacro hyperlinkCell, "text", "VBA_function_name_to_be_called"
Using parameters to be passed to the VBA function:
insertHyperlinkToVBAMacro hyperlinkCell, "text", "VBA_function_name_to_be_called", "Param one", 2, 3…
Note: the function that is called must return a range which specifies the target cell of the function.
2021-07-26: it turns out that a function that is called via insertHyperlinkToVBAMacro has only limited capabilites when modifying a worksheet's content (at least when calling usedRange.clearContents)


deleteWorksheet deletes a worksheet.
It turns out that deleting a worksheet is not a really straight forward operation in VBA.

xlsStartFillSheet, xlsEndFillSheet

dim opt as xlsPerfOptions
opt = xlsStartFillSheet

      … update excel content …

xlsEndFillSheet opt


freezeHeader n freezes the first n rows, thus creating a horizontal header. The parameter is optional and defaults to 1.
2021-07-26, V0.5: freezeHeader can now be called with two (optional) parameters of which the first indicates the number of rows indicates the number of rows and the second one the number of columns on the left side (which, of course, makes the name of the sub a bit missleading).

colLetterToNum, colNumToLetter

colLetterToNum returns the column (as number) that corresponds to a column letter. (colLetterToNum("D") returns 4 etc.)
colNumToLetter returns the letter that corresponds to a number (colNumToLetter("AA") returns 27).


createButton creates a button that occupies a given range (parameter rng).
The parameter txt specifies the button's caption, nameSub the name of the sub to be invoked when the button is pressed.
function createButton(   _
   rng     as range ,    _
   txt     as string,    _
   nameSub as string   )    as button 


resetExcelSheet resets a worksheet to a pristine state.
This function was (or at least seemed) necessary when working with a code module that belonged to a given worksheet and I didn't want to destroy the code module by deleting and re-creating a worksheet.
A test case for this function is here.


showRibbon true|false shows or hides the Ribbon.
showRibbon true
showRibbon false
A test case for this function is here.

Source code

'  Depends on ../Common/Collection.vb
'  V0.11
option explicit

type xlsPerfOptions ' {
 '   This type is used in combination with
 '   xlsStartFillSheet and xlsEndFillSheet
     calculation_    as xlCalculation
     screenUpdating_ as boolean
     enableEvents_   as boolean
end type ' }

function findWorksheet(name as string, optional deleteIfExists as boolean = false, optional wb as workbook = nothing) as excel.worksheet ' {
 '  TODO: -> getWorksheet.bas
 '  Return worksheet with the given name.
 '  If it doesn't exist, it is created.
 '  Optionally, deleteIfExists can be set to true to delete an existing worksheet
 '  of the given name prior to creating it
    if wb is nothing then
     ' 2021-06-04: it seems safer to use thisWorkbook rather than activeWorkbook
       set wb = thisWorkbook
    end if

    if deleteIfExists then ' {
       deleteWorksheet name, wb
    end if ' }

    on error goto createWorksheet
       set findWorksheet = thisWorkbook.sheets(name)

    '  No error: Worksheet exists. We can return
       exit function

    '  Error encountered, probably because the worksheet didn't exist.
    '  We have to create the worksheet
       set findWorksheet = thisWorkbook.sheets.add(after := thisWorkbook.sheets(thisWorkbook.sheets.count))
  = name

end function ' }

sub deleteWorksheet(name_ as string, optional wb as workbook = nothing)  ' {

    if wb is nothing then
       set wb = thisWorkbook
    end if

    dim ws as worksheet
    set ws = collObjectOrNothing(wb.sheets, name_)

    if not ws is nothing then ' {

     ' Set displayAlerts temporarily to false so that the unwanted message
     '    Microsoft Excel will permanentely delete this sheet. Do you want to continue?
     ' does not pop up.
     ' Compare with another solution on

     ' 2021-07-19: Trying to delete very(?) hidden sheets seems not possible
     ' unless sheet is made visible:
       ws.visible = xlSheetVisible

       dim da as boolean : da = application.displayAlerts
       application.displayAlerts = false
       application.displayAlerts = da

    end if ' }

end sub ' }

sub deleteRange(name_ as string, optional ws as worksheet = nothing) ' {

    if ws is nothing then
       set ws = activeWorkbook.activeSheet
    end if

 on error goto err_
    dim rng as range
    set rng = ws.range(name_)
 on error goto 0



    exit sub

    if err.number <> 1004 then ' 1004 = Application-defined or object-defined error
        msgBox "deleteRange: " & err.number & chr(10) & err.description
    end if

end sub ' }

sub freezeHeader(ws as excel.workSheet, optional bottomRow as long = 1, optional leftColumn as long = 0) ' {
  ' TODO: seems to indicate that
  ' this sub should make sure that screenUpdating is set to true when the sheet
  ' is frozen
  ' 2021-07-01: Make sure the currently active sheet and range is activated again when the sub
  ' is left
    dim curSheet     as worksheet : set curSheet     = activeSheet

    dim curSelection as range     : set curSelection = selection

    if leftColumn = 0 then
       ws.rows(bottomRow + 1).select
       ws.cells(bottomRow+1, leftColumn+1).select
    end if

    with activeWindow
         if .freezePanes then .freezePanes = false
'       .splitColumn = 0
'       .splitRow    = bottomRow
        .freezePanes = true
    end with


end sub ' }

sub insertHyperlinkToVBAMacro(where as range, byVal text as string, byVal macroname as string, paramArray args()) ' {

    dim formula as string
    formula = "=hyperlink("

    formula = formula & """#" & macroname & "("

    dim firstArgument as boolean : firstArgument = true

    dim argNo as long
    for argNo = lBound(args) to uBound(args) ' {

        if firstArgument then
           firstArgument = false
           formula = formula & ' semicolon or comma
        end if

        if varType(args(argNo)) = vbString then
           formula = formula & """""" & args(argNo) & """"""
           formula = formula & args(argNo)
        end if

    next argNo ' }

    formula = formula & ")"""

    formula = formula & "," ' Always comma, no need to invoke
    formula = formula & """" & text & """"

    formula = formula & ")"

    where.formula = formula
end sub ' }

function colLetterToNum(colLetter as string) as long ' {
    colLetterToNum = activeWorkbook.worksheets(1).columns(colLetter).column
end function ' }

function colNumToLetter(colNum as long) as string
     colNumToLetter = vba.split(cells(1, colNum).address, "$")(1)
end function ' }

function createButton(rng as range, txt as string, nameSub as string) as button ' {

    set createButton      = rng.parent.buttons.add( left := rng.left, top :=, width := rng.width, height := rng.height)
    createButton.caption  = txt
    createButton.onAction = nameSub

end function ' }

function unprotect(byVal sh as worksheet, byVal pw as string) as boolean ' {

    on error resume next

    sh.unprotect pw

    if err.number = 1004 then ' {
    '  Sheet could not be unprotected
       unprotect = false
       exit function

    end if ' }

    unprotect = true

end function ' }

function pageNumberOfCell(c as range) as long ' {

   dim vPageCnt as integer
   dim hPageCnt as integer

   dim sh as worksheet
   set sh = c.parent

   if sh.pageSetup.Order = xlDownThenOver then
      hPageCnt = sh.hPageBreaks.Count + 1
      vPageCnt = 1

      vPageCnt = sh.vPageBreaks.Count + 1
      hPageCnt = 1

   end if

   pageNumberOfCell = 1

   dim vpb as vPageBreak
   for each vpb In sh.vPageBreaks

       if vpb.Location.Column > c.column then exit for
       pageNumberOfCell = pageNumberOfCell + hPageCnt
   next vpb

   dim hpb as hPageBreak
   for each hpb In sh.hPageBreaks
       If hpb.Location.row > c.row then exit for
       pageNumberOfCell = pageNumberOfCell + vPageCnt
   next hpb

end function ' }

function isRibbonShown() as boolean ' {
    isRibbonShown = application.commandBars("Ribbon").controls(1).height >= 100
end function ' }

sub showRibbon(visible as boolean) ' {
 ' Note: Hiding the Ribbon in Excel or Word causes the workbook
 '       or Document to occupy the entire screen.
 '       Thus, before hiding the Ribbon, the size of
 '       application.window (.left, .top etc) might be stored and
 '       applied when the ribbon is shown again.

#if 0 then
 ' This function was originally intended to be put into a
 ' general OfficeHelper VBa-module. However, it turned out
 ' that the differences among Office products are too big
 ' for such a general approach. Thus, this portion of the
 ' excluded with a #if 0 then preprocessor block.
   if = "Microsoft Visio" then
    ' Visio does not seem to have .executeMso "HideRibbon" capability, so it
    ' does not make sense to continue here.
   end if

   if = "Microsoft Access" then ' {
       if visible then doCmd.showToolbar "Ribbon", acToolbarYes _
       else            doCmd.showToolbar "Ribbon", acToolbarNo
       exit sub
   end if ' }

#end if

   if isRibbonShown = visible then
    ' Ribbon already shown/hidden, nothing to be done
      exit sub
   end if

  ' Toggle Ribbon when shown
   dim fs as boolean
   fs = application.displayFullScreen
   application.commandBars.executeMso "HideRibbon"
   application.displayFullScreen = fs

end sub ' }

sub resetExcelSheet(sh as worksheet) ' {

  ' TODO: This function should probably make sure that sh is not protected when called

    sh.columns.useStandardWidth = true
    sh.rows.useStandardHeight   = true
#if 1 then
 '  Drawing a border apparently does not extend
 '  the size of usedRange. Thus, all cells
 '  are cleared and the previous sh.usedRange.clear
 '  left as a reminder
#end if

    dim shp as shape
    for each shp in sh.shapes ' {
    next shp ' }

    dim n as name
    for each n in sh.names ' {
    next n ' }

    sh.scrollArea = ""

  ' It seems that a hidden sheet cannot be moved by selecting
  ' a cell on it (well, it sort of makes sense, though).
    dim curSheet as worksheet
    set curSheet = activeSheet
    curSheet.visible = xlSheetVisible

    activeWindow.splitRow     = 0
    activeWindow.splitColumn  = 0
    activeWindow.split        = false
    activeWindow.freezePanes  = false


end sub ' }

public function xlsStartFillSheet as xlsPerfOptions
    xlsStartFillSheet.calculation_    = application.calculation
    xlsStartFillSheet.screenUpdating_ = application.screenUpdating
    xlsStartFillSheet.enableEvents_   = application.enableEvents

    application.calculation           = xlCalculationManual
    application.screenUpdating        = false
    application.enableEvents          = false
end function ' }

public sub xlsEndFillSheet(opt as xlsPerfOptions) ' {
    application.calculation    = opt.calculation_
    application.screenUpdating = opt.screenUpdating_
    application.enableEvents   = opt.enableEvents_
end sub ' }
Github repository VBAModules, path: /Office/ExcelHelpers.vb


V0.3 Add hyperlink functionality
V0.4 Function deleteWorksheet: set a sheet's visibility to xlSheetVisible before deleting the sheet.
V0.5 freezeHeader now takes two optional parameters and adapts the changes of BN.
V0.6 showRibbon
V0.8 resetExcelSheet: Set activewindow.splitRow, .splitColumn to 0, .split and .freezePanes to false.
V0.9 resetExcelSheet: call sh.cells.clear, not usedRange.clear, because, apparently, drawn borders are not reflected usedRange.
V0.10 Add colNumToLetter
V0.11 xlsStartFillSheet, xlsEndFillSheet

See also

Tests for the VBA module ExcelHelpers
ExcelRange has some specific functions to support the handling of support functions for Excel's Range object.
Excel Object Model (helpers)
René's VBA Modules
