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Excel function: hyperlink

=hyperlink(target; friendlyName)

Jumping to a certain address

In order to jump to address N18 on the same worksheet, the target is simply #N18:
=hyperlink("#N18"; "Go to N18)
The address can also be specifed in RxCy notation:
=hyperlink("#r18c9"; "Jump to to row 18, column 9")
It's possible to specify a named range as destination:
=hyperlink("#target"; "Go to target")
In order to have a hyperlink to another sheet, the sheet name must be separated from the target by an exclamation mark. (See also referring to ranges in Excel):
=hyperlink("#SheetName!addr"; "…")
A target in another workbook can be linked to like so (the linked name is assumed to be sheet here):
=hyperlink("[C:\users\rene\Documents\workbook.xlsx]sheet!addr"; "…")
Finally, it is even possible to jump to a sub/function declaration in the VBA code with #subname (without parantheses):
=hyperlink("#subname"; "jump to declaration of sub")

Calling a VBA function with a hyperlink

It is possible to call a VBA function (not a sub!) with a hyperlink by prepending the name of the target with a hash symbol (#).
=hyperlink("#hyperlinkClick()"; "go")
The function's return value is a range object which specifies the cell to which the hyperlink jumps.
Such a function can be declared in a VBA module like shown below. Because this function returns the current selection, Excel jumps nowhere.
function hyperlinkClick() as range

   set hyperlinkClick = selection
   msgBox "clicked

end function
The function must return a Range object. If no return value is assigned, the function is invoked twice, then the VBA runtime throws the error message Reference isn't valid.
In addition, it seems that the function must be placed in a VBA-module, not in a «worksheet file»: it possible to call the function with =hyperlink("#sheet1.func()"; …, but eventually, the Reference isn't valid would still be thrown.
It is also possible to pass parameters (references, scalars…) to to the function:
=hyperlink("#funcWithParam(  a1)"                ; "go")
=hyperlink("#funcWithParam(""hard coded value"")"; "go")

See also

The hyperlink object.
The Excel Menu Insert -> Links
Using the Hyperlink and Followed Hyperlink styles to specify the visual appearance of hyperlinks.
The function insertHyperlinkToVBAMacro() of the VBA module ExcelHelpers allows to insert a hyperlink that calls a user defined VBA function, optionally with parameters.
Excel functions
