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Excel Object Model: cell

The Excel object model doesn't have a distinct object for a cell. Rather, a cell is represented by a Range object that happens to be a 1x1 cell range.
A range that represents an arbitrary cell can be instantiated and accessed by giving the cell's address to the Range »constructor«:
'   ..\..\..\runVBAFilesInOffice.vbs -excel b3 -c Go

public sub Go() ' {

    range("b3").value = "This is the value of b3"

end sub ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Excel/Range/b3.bas
The currently active cell can be found with application.activeCell.
A cell can have a comment whose content is shown in a so-called «ballon».
application.findFormat sets (or returns) the criteria that are used to find cells with a specific formatting.

Content of a cell

A cell is either
In addition


Setting worksheet's .scrollArea allows to restrict selectable cells on the worksheet to the defined area.
Data validation allows to define restrictions (allowed data types and ranges or lists of values) in cells.

See also

Navigate to the next cell with content in a given direction, using the end method.
The worksheet function cell()
Cell errors
The Excel menu Home -> Styles -> Cell Styles
The subitems Lock Cell and Format Cells under the menu Home -> Cells -> Format -> Protection
A single cell cn be activated with range.activate.
Finding cells that match a given regular expression or consist of whitespace only.
