Search notes:

Excel VBA: navigate to the next cell with content in a given direction

rng.end(dir) selects the cell at the end of dir.
The value of dir is one of

VBA Example

option explicit

sub main() ' {


    cells( 7, 1) = "A"
    cells( 9, 1) = "B"
    cells( 9, 3) = "C"
    cells( 9, 7) = "D"
    cells( 6, 7) = "E"
    cells( 3, 7) = "F"
    cells( 3, 5) = "G"
    cells( 7, 5) = "H"

    cells( 7, 2).select

    move xlToLeft
    move xlDown
    move xlToRight
    move xlToRight
    move xlUp
    move xlUp
    move xlToLeft
    move xlDown


end sub ' }

sub move(direction as xlDirection) ' {

    dim currentCell as range : set currentCell = selection
    dim nextCell    as range : set nextCell    = currentCell.end(direction)

    range(currentCell, nextCell).interior.color = rgb(255, 200,  40)

end sub ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Excel/Range/end.bas

See also

The range object.
