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CSS: display property

The CSS property display controls how an element is displayed.
The property can be set to many values. Arguably, the most often seen ones are
block For which the <div> tag is a prominent example.
flex Defines a flex container (see also flex-* properties)
inline For which the <span> tag is a prominent example.
list-item By default, the only element where display is set to list-item is <li>
none See display:none vs visibility:hidden below

Inline elements cannot be assigned width nor height

For elements whose display value is inline (such as a <span>), assigning a width or height has no effect.
In the following example, each word of the first pair of words (Hello world) is in a <span>, the words of the second pair are in <div>. All elements are assigned a width and a height. Yet, as shown, only the <div> elements are modified by the width and height value.
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
  <title>inline elements have neither width nor height</title>

   <style type='text/css'>
      .hello { background-color: yellow; width: 100px; height: 50px; }
      .world { background-color: lime  ; width: 150px; height: 90px; }


   <span class='hello'>Hello</span>
   <span class='world'>world</span>


   <div class='hello'>Hello</div>
   <div class='world'>world</div>

Github repository about-CSS, path: /properties/display/width-height-in-inline-and-block.html

display:none vs visibility:hidden

Setting an element's CSS property display to none does not render the element at all. For rendering purposes, it is considered inexistent.
This is different from setting the visibility property to hidden which only hides an element's content.
The difference is demonstrated in the folllowing simple example. The HTML document has 5 <span> elements. The value of the property visibility of the span whose content is two is set to hidden while the value of display for the <span> whose content is four is set to none. Between one and three, no special gap is rendered, but between three and five, a noticable gap is rendered because the four is only invisible.
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
  <title>display:none vs visibility:hidden</title>

   <style type='text/css'> 
     span { font-size : 3em;
            font-family: monospace


  <span                          >one  </span>
  <span style='display:none'     >two  </span>
  <span                          >three</span>
  <span style='visibility:hidden'>four </span>
  <span                          >five </span>

Github repository about-CSS, path: /properties/display/display-none_vs_visibility-hidden.html

See also

Display properties to simulate a table.
CSS properties
