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VBA Module CommonFunctionalityDB [Access]

This VBA tries to encapsulate functionalities that I more or less regurarly found necessary in Access projects.
doesTableExist(tableName) determines if a table exists.
dropTableIfExists drops a table if it exists and does nothing otherwise. Thus, it is a replacement for the lacking SQL statement drop table … if exists.
executeQuery("select … from …") creates (or replaces) a QueryDef (using createOrReplaceQueryDef) and then opens the query. Thus, it makes it possible to quickly view the result of a dynamic SQL statement entered in the immediate window.
executeQueryFromFile("c:\path\to\file.sql") reads the given file (slurpFile() in File.bas) and then removes potential comments (removeSQLComments() in SQL.bas) and then calls executeQuery(). Thus, it's possible to quickly display the result of an SQL statement stored in a file.
truncDate(dt) returns the (rounded down) date (midnight) of dt (thus it behaves like Oracle's trunc(date)). Because dt is a variant that represents a date, it can handle null values. (Compare with fix and dateValue).
closeAllQueryDefs closes all open QueryDef's. This might be necessary if a view needs to be dropped programatically (for example using executeSQL().
nvl2(…) mimics the Oracle function by the same name.
eq(val_1, val_2) tests if val_1 is equal to val_2. The function considers the compared values to be equal if both are null.
runSQLScript runs the SQL statements found in a file on an Access Database. It relies on the function sqlStatementsOfFile which is found in the SQL module.
showErrors iterates over dbEngine.errors and prints them with debug.print.
removeLiteralGuidFromString(s) is supposed to be called with strings whose format is {guid {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}}; it remove the {guid prefix and final }. String in this format are returned in MS-Access statements that select guids.
coalesce() implements the SQL expression coalesce().
'      CommonFunctionalityDB

' 2019-07-25: It seems that newer versions of Access
'   automatically add «option compare database»
'   when a VBA module is inserted programmatically.
'   Therefore: commenting it out:
' option compare database

option explicit

function getRS(stmt as string) as dao.recordSet ' {
  ' set getRS = dbEngine.workspaces(0).databases(0).openRecordset(stmt)
    set getRS = currentDB().openRecordset(stmt)
end function ' }

function executeSQL(byVal stmt as string) as long ' {
'   Returns the numbers of rows affected.
'   There is also the access method doCmd.runSql …
'   However, doCmd.runSQL does not allow to create views.
'   Compare with executeQuery (below)

    on error goto err

'   2019-01-04:
'     Apparently, it's not possible to create views via currentDB because
'     currentDB returns a DAO object...
'     See
'   call currentDB().execute(stmt, dbFailOnError)
'     However, currentProject.connection returns an ADO connection object
'     with which it apprently is possible to create views:
    currentProject.connection.execute stmt, executeSQL

' done:
    exit function

    call msgBox("CommonFunctionalityDB - executeSQL" & vbCrLf & err.description & " [" & err.number & "]"& vbCrLf & "stmt = " & stmt)

  ' TODO
    err.raise err.number, err.source, err.description, err.helpFile, err.helpContext
'   resume done
end function ' }

sub executeQuery(byVal stmt as string) ' {
'   Executes an SQL query and shows the result
'   in a grid.
'   Compare with executeSQL (above)

    on error goto err_

    const qryName = "tq84Query"

    dim qry as dao.queryDef
    set qry = createOrReplaceQuery(qryName, stmt)

    doCmd.openQuery qryName

    exit sub
    msgBox("Error in executeQuery: " & err.description & " (" & err.source & ")")
end sub ' }

sub executeQueryFromFile(fileName as string) ' {


end sub ' }

sub runSQLScript(pathToScript as string) ' {

    dim sqlStatements() as string

  ' sqlStatementsOfFile() is found in ../Database/SQL.bas ( development/languages/VBA/modules/Database/SQL )
    sqlStatements = sqlStatementsOfFile(pathToScript)

  ' dbgFileName(currentProject.path & "\log\sql")

    dim i as long
    for i = lbound(sqlStatements) to ubound(sqlStatements) - 1 ' Last "statement" is empty because split also returns the part after the last ; -> skip it
     ' dbg("sqlStatement = " & sqlStatements(i))
       call executeSQL(sqlStatements(i))
    next i

end sub ' }

sub deleteTable(tableName as string) ' {
    call executeSQL("delete from " & tableName)
end sub ' }

function doesTableExist(tableName as string) as boolean ' {

    if isNull(dLookup("Name", "MSysObjects", "Name='" & tableName & "'")) then
       doesTableExist = false
       doesTableExist = true
    end if

end function ' }

sub dropTableIfExists(tableName as string) ' {

  if not doesTableExist(tableName) then ' {
     exit sub
  end if ' }

  ' 2019-01-30:  on error resume next

  ' First: close the potentially table in order to prevent error
  '   »The database engine could not lock table '…' because it is already
  '    in use by another person or process [-2147217900]«
    doCmd.close acTable, tableName, acSaveNo

  ' Then: drop table
    executeSQL("drop table " & tableName)
end sub ' }

function truncDate(dt as variant) as variant ' {

    if isNull(dt) then
       truncDate = null
       exit function
    end if

  ' Add the numbers of seconds per day minus one
  ' to dt and round down.
    truncDate = cDate(fix(dateAdd("s", 86399, dt)))
end function ' }

function createOrReplaceQuery(name as string, stmt as string) as dao.queryDef ' {
' 2019-01-10: created from sub createQuery

  on error resume next
  set createOrReplaceQuery = currentDB().queryDefs(name)
  on error goto 0

  if not createOrReplaceQuery is nothing then
   ' The following sysCmd checks if the query is open.
   ' Apparently, the doCmd.close (below) does not fail if
   ' the query is not opened.
   ' if sysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acQuery, name) = acObjStateOpen Then

      ' A queryDef can only be deleted if it is closed.
        doCmd.close acQuery, name, acSaveNo
   ' end if

  end if

  set createOrReplaceQuery = currentDB().createQueryDef(name, stmt)

end function ' }

function singleSelectValue(stmt as string) as variant ' {

' Return the one row, one column value of
' a select statement, such as in «select count(*) from x»

  dim rs as dao.recordSet
  set rs = getRS(stmt)
  singleSelectValue = rs(0)
  set rs = nothing

end function ' }

sub importExcelDataIntoTable(tablename as string, pathToWorkbook as string, worksheet as string, optional range as string = "", optional hasFieldNames as boolean = false) ' {

  dim worksheet_range as string

  if worksheet = "" then
     worksheet_range = ""
     worksheet_range = worksheet & "!" & range
  end if

' use acLink to link to the data
' doCmd.transferSpreadsheet acImport, , tablename, pathToWorkbook, hasFieldNames, worksheet & "!" & range
  doCmd.transferSpreadsheet acImport, , tablename, pathToWorkbook, hasFieldNames, worksheet_range

end sub ' }

sub importAccessDataIntoTable(tablename as string, pathToDB as string, tablenameSource as string, optional hasFieldNames as boolean = false) ' {

  on error goto nok

' use acLink to link to the data

  doCmd.transferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access" , pathToDB, acTable, tablenameSource, tablename

  exit sub

  call err.raise(vbObjectError + 1000, "CommonFunctionalityDB.bas", _
     err.description                        & vbCrLf & _
     "err.number = "      & err.number      & vbCrLf & _
     "tableName = "       & tableName       & vbCrLf & _
     "pathToDB  = "       & pathToDB        & vbCrLf & _
     "tablenameSource = " & tablenameSource & vbCrLf)

end sub ' }

sub closeAllQueryDefs() ' {

    dim qry as dao.queryDef
    for each qry in currentDb().queryDefs
        doCmd.close acQuery,, acSaveNo
    next qry

end sub ' }

function nvl2(val as variant, retIfNotNull as variant, retIfNull as variant) ' {
  ' Simulate Oracle's nvl2 function
    if isNull(val) then
       nvl2 = retIfNull
       exit function
    end if

    nvl2 = retIfNotNull

end function ' }

function coalesce(v1 as variant, v2 as variant, optional v3 as variant = null, optional v4 as variant = null, optional v5 as variant = null, optional v6 as variant = null, optional v7 as variant = null, optional v8 as variant = null, optional v9 as variant = null, optional v10 as variant = null) as variant ' {

   if     not isNull(v1 ) then
          coalesce = v1
   elseif not isNull(v2 ) then
          coalesce = v2
   elseif not isNull(v3 ) then
          coalesce = v3
   elseif not isNull(v4 ) then
          coalesce = v4
   elseif not isNull(v5 ) then
          coalesce = v5
   elseif not isNull(v6 ) then
          coalesce = v6
   elseif not isNull(v7 ) then
          coalesce = v7
   elseif not isNull(v8 ) then
          coalesce = v8
   elseif not isNull(v9 ) then
          coalesce = v9
   elseif not isNull(v10) then
          coalesce = v10
   end if

'  coalesce = coalesce(v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10)

end function ' }

function eq(val_1 as variant, val_2 as variant) as boolean ' {

     if isNull(val_1) then
        if isNull(val_2) then
           eq = true
           eq = false
        end if
        exit function
    end if

    if isNull (val_2) then
       eq = false
       exit function
    end if

    eq = val_1 = val_2 

end function ' }

sub diff2recordSetsRecords(rs1 as dao.recordSet, rs2 as dao.recordSet) ' {

    dim fld as variant: for each fld in rs1.fields ' {

        if isNull(fld.value) and not isNull(rs2( then ' {
           debug.print "diff in " & & ": " & fld.value & " <> " & rs2(
           goto next_fld
        end if ' }

        if not isNull(fld.value) and isNull(rs2( then ' {
           debug.print "diff in " & & ": " & fld.value & " <> " & rs2(
           goto next_fld
        end if ' }

        if typeName(fld.value) = "Double" then ' {
           if round(fld, 6) <> round(rs2(, 6) then
              debug.print "diff in " & & ": " & fld.value & " <> " & rs2(
           end if ' }
        else ' {
           if fld <> rs2( then
              debug.print "diff in " & & ": " & fld.value & " <> " & rs2(
           end if
        end if ' }


    next fld ' }

end sub ' }

sub showErrors() ' {

    dim e as dao.error
    for each e in dbEngine.errors
        debug.print(e.source & ": " & e.description)
    next e

end sub ' }

function removeLiteralGuidFromString(byVal s as variant) as variant ' {
 ' Apparently, Access returns a guid as a string in the following format: "{guid {…}}"
 ' This function rectifies such string
   if isNull(s) then ' {
      removeLiteralGuidFromString = null
      exit function
   end if ' }

   removeLiteralGuidFromString=mid(s, 7, 7+31)

end function ' }
Github repository VBAModules, path: /Access/CommonFunctionalityDB.bas

See also

René's VBA Modules
