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VBA Module File [Common]


slurpFile reads the entire content of a file and returns it as a string.
slurpFileCharSet is basically the same as slurpFile, however, it allows to specify a character set when the file is slurped.
flushToFile is the opposite of slurpFile: it writes a string to a file.
fileBaseName returns a path (such as p:\ath\to\foo.txt) to the name of a file without suffix (in this case: foo).
fileSuffix returns the suffix of the file only (for example: txt).
fileExists checks if a given file exists.
tempPath uses the WinAPI function GetTempPath to return the folder into which temporary files can (should?) be written.


File.bas uses the fileSystemObject of Microsoft's Scripting Runtime, thus, when used in a VBA project, the respective reference must be added.


The function slurpFileCharSet was necessary because VBA is apparently unable to handle UTF-8 out of the box.
In order to achieve the goal, the ADODB stream object's loadFromFile method was needed (See also VBA's open statement with char sets).
Apparently, any value found in the registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Charset can be used for the value of the parameter charSet.

Source code

' TODO 2020-02-25: with the implementation of file.cls, this file "File.bas" should probably be renamed.
option explicit

private declare ptrSafe function win32_GetTempPath lib "kernel32" alias "GetTempPathA" (byVal nBufferLength as long, byVal lpBuffer As string) as long

function slurpFile(fileName as string) as string ' {
 ' 2019-01-29: it turns out, VBA cannot really cope with
 ' reading utf 8 encoded files.
 ' Therefore, the ADODB substitue slurpFileCharSet might
 ' be considered instead.

   dim f as integer
   f = freeFile()

   open fileName for input as #f

   slurpFile = input(lof(f), #f)

   close f

end function ' }

function slurpFileCharSet(fileName as string, optional charSet as string = "utf-8") as string ' {
  ' Read (slurp) a file in a specific charset.
  ' Needs the ADODB reference:
  '   call application.VBE.activeVBProject.references.addFromGuid("{B691E011-1797-432E-907A-4D8C69339129}", 6, 1)
    dim s as new
    s.charSet = charSet

    slurpFileCharSet = s.readText


end function ' }

sub flushToFile(filename as string, txt as string) ' {

   dim f as integer
   f = freeFile()

   open fileName for output as #f

   print# f, txt

   close f

end sub ' }

function fileBaseName(filename as string) as string ' {

  dim fso as new fileSystemObject

  fileBaseName = fso.getBaseName(filename)

end function ' }

function fileSuffix(filename as string) as string ' {

  dim fso as new fileSystemObject

  fileSuffix = fso.getExtensionName(filename)

end function ' }

function fileExists(fileName as string) as boolean ' {

  on error resume next
  fileExists = (getAttr(fileName) and vbDirectory) <> vbDirectory 

end function ' }

public function tempPath() as string ' {
 '  2019-01-11: It might probably be easier to
 '              just use:
 '                 environ$("TEMP")
    const MAX_PATH = 260
    tempPath = string$(MAX_PATH, chr$(0))
    win32_GetTempPath MAX_PATH, tempPath
    tempPath = replace(tempPath, chr$(0), "")
end function ' }
Github repository VBAModules, path: /Common/file/File.bas


Split a file into chunks (for example to send large files with eMail):
option explicit

sub splitFile(fileName as string, chunkSize as long, optional overwrite as boolean = false)

    dim buf()    as byte
    dim fnrIn    as integer
    dim fnrOut   as integer
    dim fileSize as long
    dim pos      as long
    dim splitNr  as long

    on error goTo err_

    fnrIn = freeFile

    open fileName for binary access read as #fnrIn
    fileSize = LOF(fnrIn)

    reDim buf(1 to chunkSize)

    splitNr = 0
    for pos = 1 to fileSize step chunkSize
        splitNr = splitNr + 1

        if splitNr*chunkSize > fileSize then
           reDim buf(1 to fileSize - (splitNr-1)*chunkSize)
        end if

        get #fnrIn, pos, buf

        fnrOut = FreeFile

        if overwrite then
            if len(Dir$(fileName & "." & splitNr)) > 0 Then
                kill    fileName & "." & splitNr
            end if
        end if

        open cStr(fileName & "." & splitNr) for binary access write as #fnrOut
        put   #fnrOut, , buf
        close #fnrOut


    close #fnrIn
    exit sub

    msgBox err.description
    close #fnrIn
    close #fnrOut
end sub
Github repository VBAModules, path: /Common/file/splitFile.bas
See also splitting and merging files with perl.


This module should probably be renamed to Filesystem and provide similar functionality like the PowerShell module filesystem.

See also

The file class
René's VBA Modules
