Search notes:

NULL related Oracle functions

Some Oracle functions that are related to null.


nvl is lazily evaluated:
--     Demonstrating that NVL is not evaluating lazily.

create table tq84_a (
  a number          primary key,
  b varchar2(10)

create table tq84_b (
  c number          primary key,
  d number

create function tq84_f(a in number) return varchar2
    dbms_output.put_line('function was called: ' || a);

    return '* ' || a || ' *';

end tq84_f;

insert into tq84_a values (1, 'one'  );
insert into tq84_a values (2,  null  );
insert into tq84_a values (3,  null  );
insert into tq84_a values (4, 'four' );

insert into tq84_b values (2,  20);
insert into tq84_b values (4,  40);

  substr(tq84_f(a), 1, 10) a,
  substr(nvl (
   (select tq84_f(d) from tq84_b where c = a)
  ,1,10) c
order by a;

drop table tq84_a purge;
drop table tq84_b purge;

drop function tq84_f;
Github repository Oracle-Patterns, path: /SQL/functions/null_related/nvl_not_lazy_evaluated.sql
The SQL Server equivalent for nvl is isNull.


nvl2(tested_value, 'value if not null', 'value if null')
create table tq84_nvl2 (
  a number

insert into tq84_nvl2 values (null);
insert into tq84_nvl2 values (   0);
insert into tq84_nvl2 values (  42);

  nvl2(a, 'not null', 'null')

drop table tq84_nvl2 purge;
Github repository Oracle-Patterns, path: /SQL/functions/null_related/nvl2.sql


lnnvl is equivalent to the SQL standard's is not true predicate (compare feature F571).
Assuming that A and B are expressions that evaluate to a non-null value, the following is the result table of lnnvl:
lnnvl( A = A) false
lnnvl( A = B) true
lnnvl( A = null) true
lnnvl(null = null) true
lnnvl can only be used in where clauses.
create table tq84_lnnvl (
       col1  number,
       col2  number

insert into tq84_lnnvl values (null, null);
insert into tq84_lnnvl values (null,    1);
insert into tq84_lnnvl values (   1,    1);
insert into tq84_lnnvl values (   1,    2);

select * from tq84_lnnvl where lnnvl(col1=col2);
--       COL1       COL2
-- ---------- ----------
--                     1
--          1          2

select * from tq84_lnnvl where not lnnvl(col1=col2);
--       COL1       COL2
-- ---------- ----------
--          1          1

drop table tq84_lnnvl purge;
Github repository Oracle-Patterns, path: /SQL/functions/null_related/lnnvl.sql


NULLIF(X, Y) is equivalent to CASE WHEN X = Y THEN NULL ELSE X END, i. e. it evaluates to X unless X is equal to Y in which case it evaluates to null.
with expr as (
  select 'foo' val from dual union all
  select 'baz' val from dual union all
  select 'bar' val from dual union all
  select  null val from dual
  first.val, second.val, 
  nullif(first.val, second.val) "Null if equal, first otherwise",
  case when first.val = second.val then null else first.val end "same same"
  expr first, expr second
  first.val is not null;
Github repository Oracle-Patterns, path: /SQL/functions/null_related/nullif.sql
nullif is especially useful to prevent ORA-01476: divisor is equal to zero errors.

See also

sys_op_map_nonnull allows to compare two values, even if they're null.
Oracle SQL functions
