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The red-shift hypothesis for quasars: is the earth the center of the universe (I)

by: Y. P. Varshni


Some of the possibilities that we shall consider to accomodate this result may be disturbing, but we must consider these possibilities dispassionately.
(1) […]
(2) […]
(3) The Earth is indeed the center of the Universe. The arrangement of quasars on certain spherical shells is only with respect to the Earth. These shells would disappear if viewed from another galaxy or a quasar. This means that the cosmological principle will have to go. Also, it implies that a coordinate system fixed to the Earth will be a preferred frame of reference in the Universe. Consequently, both the Special and the General Theory of Relativity must be abandoned for cosmological purposes
S. 6
[…] We are essentially left with only one possibility - No. 3 in the cosmological red-shift interpretation. However, before we accept such an unaesthetic possibility, we must raise the question: Are the 'red shifts' real? We wish to point out that we have pro- posed an alternative explanation of the spectra of quasars (Varshni, 1973, 1974, 1975; Menzel, 1970; Varshni and Lam, 1974) which is based on sound physical principles, does not require any red shifts, and has no basic difficulty


Paper I

See also

Paper II
