Search notes:

Powershell: $host.ui

$host.ui is a System.Management.Automation.Internal.Host.InternalHostUserInterface object.


$host.ui.promptForCredential(…) can be used to get a System.Management.Automation.PSCredential object from a username and a password.
$cred = $host.ui.promptForCredential('Connecting to XYZ', 'Enter username and password.', '', 'XYZ')

Connecting to XYZ
Enter username and password.
User: rene
Password for user rene: ********
Compare with the get-credential cmdLet.

write… methods

$host.ui.writeDebugLine('xyz was called')
$host.ui.writeErrorLine('wrong input.')
$host.ui.writeLine('just a line')
Compare with the respective write cmdlets.



See also

