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PowerShell cmdLet get-credential

The PowerShell cmdLet get-credential creates a System.Management.Automation.PSCredential object from a username and a password.

Prompting user for username and password

When the cmdLet is inovoked …
PS C:\> $cred = get-credentail
… it prompts the user for the username and password:
In order to get a PSCredential object without a (what I perceive to be intrusive) message Box, the method promptForCredential of $host.ui can be used:
$cred = $host.ui.promptForCredential('Connecting to XYZ', 'Enter username and password.', '', 'XYZ')

Connecting to XYZ
Enter username and password.
User: rene
Password for user rene: ********

Getting a PSCredential object without user-interaction

If the username and password are already stored in variables, it is possible to create a psCredential object without user interaction:
$username = 'rene'
$password = 'secret!'

$secStr   = convertTo-secureString -string $password -asPlainText -force
$cred     = new-object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $username, $secStr

See also

Commands that have a -credential parameter.
Security: credential
Powershell command noun: credential
