Search notes:

Power Query: Standard library

Data types constructors

Int8.From VALUE as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text, optional ROUNDINGMODE as nullable number as nullable number ­
Int16.From VALUE as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text, optional ROUNDINGMODE as nullable number as nullable number ­
Int32.From VALUE as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text, optional ROUNDINGMODE as nullable number as nullable number ­
Int64.From VALUE as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text, optional ROUNDINGMODE as nullable number as nullable number ­
#binary VALUE as any as any ­
#date YEAR as number, MONTH as number, DAY as number as date ­
#datetime YEAR as number, MONTH as number, DAY as number, HOUR as number, MINUTE as number, SECOND as number as datetime ­
#datetimezone YEAR as number, MONTH as number, DAY as number, HOUR as number, MINUTE as number, SECOND as number, OFFSETHOURS as number, OFFSETMINUTES as number as datetimezone ­
#duration DAYS as number, HOURS as number, MINUTES as number, SECONDS as number as duration ­
#table COLUMNS as any, ROWS as any as any ­
#time HOUR as number, MINUTE as number, SECOND as number as time ­


Access.Database DATABASE as binary, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


AccessControlEntry.ConditionToIdentities IDENTITYPROVIDER as function, CONDITION as function as list ­


Action.WithErrorContext ACTION as action, CONTEXT as text as action ­


ActiveDirectory.Domains optional FORESTROOTDOMAINNAME as nullable text as table ­


AdobeAnalytics.Cubes optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


AdoDotNet.DataSource PROVIDERNAME as text, CONNECTIONSTRING as any, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­
AdoDotNet.Query PROVIDERNAME as text, CONNECTIONSTRING as any, QUERY as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


AnalysisServices.Database SERVER as text, DATABASE as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­
AnalysisServices.Databases SERVER as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


AzureStorage.BlobContents URL as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as binary ­
AzureStorage.Blobs ACCOUNT as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­
AzureStorage.DataLake ENDPOINT as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­
AzureStorage.DataLakeContents URL as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as binary ­
AzureStorage.Tables ACCOUNT as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


Binary.ApproximateLength BINARY as nullable binary as nullable number ­
Binary.Buffer BINARY as nullable binary as nullable binary ­
Binary.Combine BINARIES as list as binary ­
Binary.Compress BINARY as nullable binary, COMPRESSIONTYPE as number as nullable binary ­
Binary.Decompress BINARY as nullable binary, COMPRESSIONTYPE as number as nullable binary ­
Binary.From VALUE as any, optional ENCODING as nullable number as nullable binary ­
Binary.FromList LIST as list as binary ­
Binary.FromText TEXT as nullable text, optional ENCODING as nullable number as nullable binary ­
Binary.InferContentType SOURCE as binary as record ­
Binary.Length BINARY as nullable binary as nullable number ­
Binary.Range BINARY as binary, OFFSET as number, optional COUNT as nullable number as binary ­
Binary.Split BINARY as binary, PAGESIZE as number as list ­
Binary.ToList BINARY as binary as list ­
Binary.ToText BINARY as nullable binary, optional ENCODING as nullable number as nullable text ­ Depending on the value of ENCODING, this function returns a Base64 or hexadecimal representation of the value of the parameter BINARY.
Binary.View BINARY as nullable binary, HANDLERS as record as binary ­
Binary.ViewError ERRORRECORD as record as record ­
Binary.ViewFunction FUNCTION as function as function ­


BinaryFormat.7BitEncodedSignedInteger BINARY as binary as any ­
BinaryFormat.7BitEncodedUnsignedInteger BINARY as binary as any ­
BinaryFormat.Binary optional LENGTH as any as function ­
BinaryFormat.Byte BINARY as binary as any ­
BinaryFormat.ByteOrder BINARYFORMAT as function, BYTEORDER as number as function ­
BinaryFormat.Choice BINARYFORMAT as function, CHOOSEFUNCTION as function, optional TYPE as nullable type, optional COMBINEFUNCTION as nullable function as function ­
BinaryFormat.Decimal BINARY as binary as any ­
BinaryFormat.Double BINARY as binary as any ­
BinaryFormat.Group BINARYFORMAT as function, GROUP as list, optional EXTRA as nullable function, optional LASTKEY as any as function ­
BinaryFormat.Length BINARYFORMAT as function, LENGTH as any as function ­
BinaryFormat.List BINARYFORMAT as function, optional COUNTORCONDITION as any as function ­
BinaryFormat.Null BINARY as binary as any ­
BinaryFormat.Record RECORD as record as function ­
BinaryFormat.SignedInteger16 BINARY as binary as any ­
BinaryFormat.SignedInteger32 BINARY as binary as any ­
BinaryFormat.SignedInteger64 BINARY as binary as any ­
BinaryFormat.Single BINARY as binary as any ­
BinaryFormat.Text LENGTH as any, optional ENCODING as nullable number as function ­
BinaryFormat.Transform BINARYFORMAT as function, FUNCTION as function as function ­
BinaryFormat.UnsignedInteger16 BINARY as binary as any ­
BinaryFormat.UnsignedInteger32 BINARY as binary as any ­
BinaryFormat.UnsignedInteger64 BINARY as binary as any ­


Byte.From VALUE as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text, optional ROUNDINGMODE as nullable number as nullable number ­


Cdm.Contents TABLE as table as table ­


Character.FromNumber NUMBER as nullable number as nullable text ­
Character.ToNumber CHARACTER as nullable text as nullable number ­


Combiner.CombineTextByDelimiter DELIMITER as text, optional QUOTESTYLE as nullable number as function ­
Combiner.CombineTextByEachDelimiter DELIMITERS as list, optional QUOTESTYLE as nullable number as function ­
Combiner.CombineTextByLengths LENGTHS as list, optional TEMPLATE as nullable text as function ­
Combiner.CombineTextByPositions POSITIONS as list, optional TEMPLATE as nullable text as function ­
Combiner.CombineTextByRanges RANGES as list, optional TEMPLATE as nullable text as function ­


Comparer.Equals comparer as function, x as any, y as any as logical ­
Comparer.FromCulture CULTURE as text, optional IGNORECASE as nullable logical as function ­
Comparer.Ordinal X as any, Y as any as number ­
Comparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase X as any, Y as any as number ­


Csv.Document SOURCE as any, optional COLUMNS as any, optional DELIMITER as any, optional EXTRAVALUES as nullable number, optional ENCODING as nullable number as table ­


Cube.AddAndExpandDimensionColumn CUBE as table, DIMENSIONSELECTOR as any, ATTRIBUTENAMES as list, optional NEWCOLUMNNAME as any as table ­
Cube.AddMeasureColumn CUBE as table, COLUMN as text, MEASURESELECTOR as any as table ­
Cube.ApplyParameter cube as table, parameter as any, optional arguments as nullable list as table ­
Cube.AttributeMemberId ATTRIBUTE as any as any ­
Cube.AttributeMemberProperty ATTRIBUTE as any, PROPERTYNAME as text as any ­
Cube.CollapseAndRemoveColumns CUBE as table, **columnNames** as list as table ­
Cube.Dimensions CUBE as table as table ­
Cube.DisplayFolders CUBE as table as table ­
Cube.MeasureProperties CUBE as table as table ­
Cube.MeasureProperty MEASURE as any, PROPERTYNAME as text as any ­
Cube.Measures CUBE as any as table ­
Cube.Parameters cube as table as table ­
Cube.Properties CUBE as table as table ­
Cube.PropertyKey PROPERTY as any as any ­
Cube.ReplaceDimensions CUBE as table, DIMENSIONS as table as table ­
Cube.Transform CUBE as table, TRANSFORMS as list as table ­


Currency.From VALUE as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text, optional ROUNDINGMODE as nullable number as nullable number ­


Date.AddDays DATETIME as any, NUMBEROFDAYS as number as any ­
Date.AddMonths DATETIME as any, NUMBEROFMONTHS as number as any ­
Date.AddQuarters DATETIME as any, NUMBEROFQUARTERS as number as any ­
Date.AddWeeks DATETIME as any, NUMBEROFWEEKS as number as any ­
Date.AddYears DATETIME as any, NUMBEROFYEARS as number as any ­
Date.Day DATETIME as any as nullable number ­
Date.DayOfWeek DATETIME as any, optional FIRSTDAYOFWEEK as nullable number as nullable number ­
Date.DayOfWeekName DATE as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text as ? ­
Date.DayOfYear DATETIME as any as nullable number ­
Date.DaysInMonth DATETIME as any as nullable number ­
Date.EndOfDay DATETIME as any as any ­
Date.EndOfMonth DATETIME as any as any ­
Date.EndOfQuarter DATETIME as any as any ­
Date.EndOfWeek DATETIME as any, optional FIRSTDAYOFWEEK as nullable number as any ­See the DAY enum.
Date.EndOfYear DATETIME as any as any ­
Date.From VALUE as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text as nullable date ­
Date.FromText TEXT as nullable text, optional OPTIONS as any as nullable date ­
Date.IsInCurrentDay DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInCurrentMonth DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInCurrentQuarter DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInCurrentWeek DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInCurrentYear DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInNextDay DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInNextMonth DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInNextNDays DATETIME as any, DAYS as number as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInNextNMonths DATETIME as any, MONTHS as number as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInNextNQuarters DATETIME as any, QUARTERS as number as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInNextNWeeks DATETIME as any, WEEKS as number as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInNextNYears DATETIME as any, YEARS as number as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInNextQuarter DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInNextWeek DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInNextYear DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInPreviousDay DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInPreviousMonth DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInPreviousNDays DATETIME as any, DAYS as number as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInPreviousNMonths DATETIME as any, MONTHS as number as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInPreviousNQuarters DATETIME as any, QUARTERS as number as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInPreviousNWeeks DATETIME as any, WEEKS as number as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInPreviousNYears DATETIME as any, YEARS as number as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInPreviousQuarter DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInPreviousWeek DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInPreviousYear DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
Date.IsInYearToDate DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
Date.IsLeapYear DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
Date.Month DATETIME as any as nullable number ­
Date.MonthName DATE as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text as nullable text ­
Date.QuarterOfYear DATETIME as any as nullable number ­
Date.StartOfDay DATETIME as any as any ­
Date.StartOfMonth DATETIME as any as any ­
Date.StartOfQuarter DATETIME as any as any ­
Date.StartOfWeek DATETIME as any, optional FIRSTDAYOFWEEK as nullable number as any ­
Date.StartOfYear DATETIME as any as any ­
Date.ToRecord DATE as date as record ­
Date.ToText DATE as nullable date, optional OPTIONS as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text as nullable text ­
Date.WeekOfMonth DATETIME as any, optional FIRSTDAYOFWEEK as nullable number as nullable number ­
Date.WeekOfYear DATETIME as any, optional FIRSTDAYOFWEEK as nullable number as nullable number ­
Date.Year DATETIME as any as nullable number ­


DateTime.AddZone DATETIME as nullable datetime, TIMEZONEHOURS as number, optional TIMEZONEMINUTES as nullable number as nullable datetimezone ­
DateTime.Date DATETIME as any as nullable date ­
DateTime.FixedLocalNow as datetime ­
DateTime.From VALUE as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text as nullable datetime ­
DateTime.FromFileTime FILETIME as nullable number as nullable datetime ­
DateTime.FromText TEXT as nullable text, optional OPTIONS as any as nullable datetime ­
DateTime.IsInCurrentHour DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
DateTime.IsInCurrentMinute DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
DateTime.IsInCurrentSecond DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
DateTime.IsInNextHour DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
DateTime.IsInNextMinute DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
DateTime.IsInNextNHours DATETIME as any, HOURS as number as nullable logical ­
DateTime.IsInNextNMinutes DATETIME as any, MINUTES as number as nullable logical ­
DateTime.IsInNextNSeconds DATETIME as any, SECONDS as number as nullable logical ­
DateTime.IsInNextSecond DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
DateTime.IsInPreviousHour DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
DateTime.IsInPreviousMinute DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
DateTime.IsInPreviousNHours DATETIME as any, HOURS as number as nullable logical ­
DateTime.IsInPreviousNMinutes DATETIME as any, MINUTES as number as nullable logical ­
DateTime.IsInPreviousNSeconds DATETIME as any, SECONDS as number as nullable logical ­
DateTime.IsInPreviousSecond DATETIME as any as nullable logical ­
DateTime.LocalNow as datetime ­
DateTime.Time DATETIME as any as nullable time ­
DateTime.ToRecord DATETIME as datetime as record ­
DateTime.ToText DATETIME as nullable datetime, optional OPTIONS as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text as nullable text ­


DateTimeZone.FixedLocalNow as datetimezone ­
DateTimeZone.FixedUtcNow as datetimezone ­
DateTimeZone.From VALUE as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text as nullable datetimezone ­
DateTimeZone.FromFileTime FILETIME as nullable number as nullable datetimezone ­
DateTimeZone.FromText TEXT as nullable text, optional OPTIONS as any as nullable datetimezone ­
DateTimeZone.LocalNow as datetimezone ­
DateTimeZone.RemoveZone DATETIMEZONE as nullable datetimezone as nullable datetime ­
DateTimeZone.SwitchZone DATETIMEZONE as nullable datetimezone, TIMEZONEHOURS as number, optional TIMEZONEMINUTES as nullable number as nullable datetimezone ­
DateTimeZone.ToLocal DATETIMEZONE as nullable datetimezone as nullable datetimezone ­
DateTimeZone.ToRecord DATETIMEZONE as datetimezone as record ­
DateTimeZone.ToText DATETIMEZONE as nullable datetimezone, optional OPTIONS as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text as nullable text ­
DateTimeZone.ToUtc DATETIMEZONE as nullable datetimezone as nullable datetimezone ­
DateTimeZone.UtcNow as datetimezone ­
DateTimeZone.ZoneHours DATETIMEZONE as nullable datetimezone as nullable number ­
DateTimeZone.ZoneMinutes DATETIMEZONE as nullable datetimezone as nullable number ­


DB2.Database SERVER as text, DATABASE as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


Decimal.From VALUE as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text as nullable number ­


DeltaLake.Table DIRECTORY as table, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as any ­


Diagnostics.ActivityId as nullable text ­
Diagnostics.CorrelationId as nullable text ­
Diagnostics.Trace TRACELEVEL as number, MESSAGE as anynonnull, VALUE as any, optional DELAYED as nullable logical as any ­


DirectQueryCapabilities.From VALUE as any as table ­


Double.From VALUE as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text as nullable number ­


Duration.Days DURATION as nullable duration as nullable number ­
Duration.From VALUE as any as nullable duration ­
Duration.FromText TEXT as nullable text as nullable duration ­
Duration.Hours DURATION as nullable duration as nullable number ­
Duration.Minutes DURATION as nullable duration as nullable number ­
Duration.Seconds DURATION as nullable duration as nullable number ­
Duration.ToRecord DURATION as duration as record ­
Duration.TotalDays DURATION as nullable duration as nullable number ­
Duration.TotalHours DURATION as nullable duration as nullable number ­
Duration.TotalMinutes DURATION as nullable duration as nullable number ­
Duration.TotalSeconds DURATION as nullable duration as nullable number ­
Duration.ToText DURATION as nullable duration, optional FORMAT as nullable text as nullable text ­


Embedded.Value VALUE as any, PATH as text as any ­


Error.Record REASON as text, optional MESSAGE as nullable text, optional DETAIL as any, optional PARAMETERS as nullable list as record ­


Essbase.Cubes URL as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


Excel.CurrentWorkbook as table ­
Excel.ShapeTable TABLE as table, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as any ­
Excel.Workbook WORKBOOK as binary, optional USEHEADERS as any, optional DELAYTYPES as nullable logical as table ­


Exchange.Contents optional MAILBOXADDRESS as nullable text as table ­


Expression.Constant VALUE as any as text ­
Expression.Evaluate DOCUMENT as text, optional ENVIRONMENT as nullable record as any ­
Expression.Identifier NAME as text as text ­


File.Contents PATH as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as binary ­


Folder.Contents PATH as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­
Folder.Files PATH as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


Function.From FUNCTIONTYPE as type, FUNCTION as function as function ­
Function.Invoke FUNCTION as function, ARGS as list as any ­
Function.InvokeAfter FUNCTION as function, DELAY as duration as any ­
Function.InvokeWithErrorContext FUNCTION as function, CONTEXT as text as any ­
Function.IsDataSource FUNCTION as function as logical ­
Function.ScalarVector SCALARFUNCTIONTYPE as type, VECTORFUNCTION as function as function ­


Geography.FromWellKnownText INPUT as nullable text as nullable record ­
Geography.ToWellKnownText INPUT as nullable record, optional OMITSRID as nullable logical as nullable text ­


GeographyPoint.From LONGITUDE as number, LATITUDE as number, optional Z as nullable number, optional M as nullable number, optional SRID as nullable number as record ­


Geometry.FromWellKnownText INPUT as nullable text as nullable record ­
Geometry.ToWellKnownText INPUT as nullable record, optional OMITSRID as nullable logical as nullable text ­


GeometryPoint.From X as number, Y as number, optional Z as nullable number, optional M as nullable number, optional SRID as nullable number as record ­


GoogleAnalytics.Accounts optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


Graph.Nodes GRAPH as record as list ­


Guid.From VALUE as nullable text as nullable text ­


Hdfs.Contents URL as text as table ­
Hdfs.Files URL as text as table ­


HdInsight.Containers ACCOUNT as text as table ­
HdInsight.Contents ACCOUNT as text as table ­
HdInsight.Files ACCOUNT as text, CONTAINERNAME as text as table ­


Html.Table HTML as any, COLUMNNAMESELECTORPAIRS as list, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


Identity.From IDENTITYPROVIDER as function, VALUE as any as record ­
Identity.IsMemberOf IDENTITY as record, COLLECTION as record as logical ­


IdentityProvider.Default as any ­


Informix.Database SERVER as text, DATABASE as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


ItemExpression.From FUNCTION as function as record ­


Json.Document JSONTEXT as any, optional ENCODING as nullable number as any ­
Json.FromValue VALUE as any, optional ENCODING as nullable number as binary ­


Lines.FromBinary BINARY as binary, optional QUOTESTYLE as nullable number, optional INCLUDELINESEPARATORS as nullable logical, optional ENCODING as nullable number as list ­
Lines.FromText TEXT as text, optional QUOTESTYLE as nullable number, optional INCLUDELINESEPARATORS as nullable logical as list ­
Lines.ToBinary LINES as list, optional LINESEPARATOR as nullable text, optional ENCODING as nullable number, optional INCLUDEBYTEORDERMARK as nullable logical as binary ­
Lines.ToText LINES as list, optional LINESEPARATOR as nullable text as text ­


List.Accumulate LIST as list, SEED as any, ACCUMULATOR as function as any ­
List.AllTrue LIST as list as logical ­
List.Alternate LIST as list, COUNT as number, optional REPEATINTERVAL as nullable number, optional OFFSET as nullable number as list ­
List.AnyTrue LIST as list as logical ­
List.Average LIST as list, optional PRECISION as nullable number as any ­
List.Buffer LIST as list as list ­
List.Combine LISTS as list as list ­Merges («flattens») a list of lists into a single list.
List.ConformToPageReader LIST as list, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­
List.Contains LIST as list, VALUE as any, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as logical ­
List.ContainsAll LIST as list, VALUES as list, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as logical ­
List.ContainsAny LIST as list, VALUES as list, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as logical ­
List.Count LIST as list as number ­
List.Covariance NUMBERLIST1 as list, NUMBERLIST2 as list as nullable number ­
List.Dates START as date, COUNT as number, STEP as duration as list ­
List.DateTimes START as datetime, COUNT as number, STEP as duration as list ­
List.DateTimeZones START as datetimezone, COUNT as number, STEP as duration as list ­
List.Difference LIST1 as list, LIST2 as list, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as list ­
List.Distinct LIST as list, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as list ­
List.Durations START as duration, COUNT as number, STEP as duration as list ­
List.FindText LIST as list, TEXT as text as list ­
List.First LIST as list, optional DEFAULTVALUE as any as any ­
List.FirstN LIST as list, COUNTORCONDITION as any as any ­
List.Generate INITIAL as function, CONDITION as function, NEXT as function, optional SELECTOR as nullable function as list ­
List.InsertRange LIST as list, INDEX as number, VALUES as list as list ­
List.Intersect LISTS as list, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as list ­
List.IsDistinct LIST as list, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as logical ­
List.IsEmpty LIST as list as logical ­
List.Last LIST as list, optional DEFAULTVALUE as any as any ­
List.LastN LIST as list, optional COUNTORCONDITION as any as any ­
List.MatchesAll LIST as list, CONDITION as function as logical ­
List.MatchesAny LIST as list, CONDITION as function as logical ­
List.Max LIST as list, optional DEFAULT as any, optional COMPARISONCRITERIA as any, optional INCLUDENULLS as nullable logical as any ­
List.MaxN LIST as list, COUNTORCONDITION as any, optional COMPARISONCRITERIA as any, optional INCLUDENULLS as nullable logical as list ­
List.Median LIST as list, optional COMPARISONCRITERIA as any as any ­
List.Min LIST as list, optional DEFAULT as any, optional COMPARISONCRITERIA as any, optional INCLUDENULLS as nullable logical as any ­
List.MinN LIST as list, COUNTORCONDITION as any, optional COMPARISONCRITERIA as any, optional INCLUDENULLS as nullable logical as list ­
List.Mode LIST as list, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as any ­
List.Modes LIST as list, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as list ­
List.NonNullCount LIST as list as number ­
List.Numbers START as number, COUNT as number, optional INCREMENT as nullable number as list ­
List.Percentile LIST as list, PERCENTILES as any, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as any ­
List.PositionOf LIST as list, VALUE as any, optional OCCURRENCE as nullable number, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as any ­
List.PositionOfAny LIST as list, VALUES as list, optional OCCURRENCE as nullable number, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as any ­
List.Positions LIST as list as list ­
List.Product NUMBERSLIST as list, optional PRECISION as nullable number as nullable number ­
List.Random COUNT as number, optional SEED as nullable number as list ­
List.Range LIST as list, OFFSET as number, optional COUNT as nullable number as list ­
List.RemoveFirstN LIST as list, optional COUNTORCONDITION as any as list ­
List.RemoveItems LIST1 as list, LIST2 as list as list ­
List.RemoveLastN LIST as list, optional COUNTORCONDITION as any as list ­
List.RemoveMatchingItems LIST1 as list, LIST2 as list, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as list ­
List.RemoveNulls LIST as list as list ­
List.RemoveRange LIST as list, INDEX as number, optional COUNT as nullable number as list ­
List.Repeat LIST as list, COUNT as number as list ­
List.ReplaceMatchingItems LIST as list, REPLACEMENTS as list, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as list ­
List.ReplaceRange LIST as list, INDEX as number, COUNT as number, REPLACEWITH as list as list ­
List.ReplaceValue LIST as list, OLDVALUE as any, NEWVALUE as any, REPLACER as function as list ­
List.Reverse LIST as list as list ­
List.Select LIST as list, SELECTION as function as list ­
List.Single LIST as list as any ­
List.SingleOrDefault LIST as list, optional DEFAULT as any as any ­
List.Skip LIST as list, optional COUNTORCONDITION as any as list ­
List.Sort LIST as list, optional COMPARISONCRITERIA as any as list ­
List.Split LIST as list, PAGESIZE as number as list ­
List.StandardDeviation NUMBERSLIST as list as nullable number ­
List.Sum LIST as list, optional PRECISION as nullable number as any ­
List.Times START as time, COUNT as number, STEP as duration as list ­
List.Transform LIST as list, TRANSFORM as function as list ­
List.TransformMany LIST as list, COLLECTIONTRANSFORM as function, RESULTTRANSFORM as function as list ­
List.Union LISTS as list, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as list ­
List.Zip LISTS as list as list ­


Logical.From VALUE as any as nullable logical ­
Logical.FromText TEXT as nullable text as nullable logical ­
Logical.ToText LOGICALVALUE as nullable logical as nullable text ­


MySQL.Database SERVER as text, DATABASE as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


Number.Abs NUMBER as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.Acos NUMBER as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.Asin NUMBER as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.Atan NUMBER as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.Atan2 Y as nullable number, X as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.BitwiseAnd NUMBER1 as nullable number, NUMBER2 as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.BitwiseNot NUMBER as any as any ­
Number.BitwiseOr NUMBER1 as nullable number, NUMBER2 as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.BitwiseShiftLeft NUMBER1 as nullable number, NUMBER2 as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.BitwiseShiftRight NUMBER1 as nullable number, NUMBER2 as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.BitwiseXor NUMBER1 as nullable number, NUMBER2 as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.Combinations SETSIZE as nullable number, COMBINATIONSIZE as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.Cos NUMBER as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.Cosh NUMBER as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.Exp NUMBER as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.Factorial NUMBER as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.From VALUE as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text as nullable number ­
Number.FromText TEXT as nullable text, optional CULTURE as nullable text as nullable number ­
Number.IntegerDivide NUMBER1 as nullable number, NUMBER2 as nullable number, optional PRECISION as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.IsEven NUMBER as number as logical ­
Number.IsNaN NUMBER as number as logical ­
Number.IsOdd NUMBER as number as logical ­
Number.Ln NUMBER as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.Log NUMBER as nullable number, optional BASE as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.Log10 NUMBER as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.Mod NUMBER as nullable number, DIVISOR as nullable number, optional PRECISION as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.Permutations SETSIZE as nullable number, PERMUTATIONSIZE as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.Power NUMBER as nullable number, POWER as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.Random as number ­
Number.RandomBetween BOTTOM as number, TOP as number as number ­
Number.Round NUMBER as nullable number, optional DIGITS as nullable number, optional ROUNDINGMODE as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.RoundAwayFromZero NUMBER as nullable number, optional DIGITS as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.RoundDown NUMBER as nullable number, optional DIGITS as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.RoundTowardZero NUMBER as nullable number, optional DIGITS as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.RoundUp NUMBER as nullable number, optional DIGITS as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.Sign NUMBER as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.Sin NUMBER as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.Sinh NUMBER as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.Sqrt NUMBER as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.Tan NUMBER as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.Tanh NUMBER as nullable number as nullable number ­
Number.ToText NUMBER as nullable number, optional FORMAT as nullable text, optional CULTURE as nullable text as nullable text ­


OData.Feed SERVICEURI as text, optional HEADERS as nullable record, optional OPTIONS as any as any ­


Odbc.DataSource CONNECTIONSTRING as any, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­
Odbc.InferOptions CONNECTIONSTRING as any as record ­
Odbc.Query CONNECTIONSTRING as any, QUERY as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


OleDb.DataSource CONNECTIONSTRING as any, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­
OleDb.Query CONNECTIONSTRING as any, QUERY as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


Oracle.Database SERVER as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


Pdf.Tables PDF as binary, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


Percentage.From VALUE as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text as nullable number ­


PostgreSQL.Database SERVER as text, DATABASE as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


Progress.DataSourceProgress as any ­


RData.FromBinary stream as binary as any ­


Record.AddField RECORD as record, FIELDNAME as text, VALUE as any, optional DELAYED as nullable logical as record ­
Record.Combine RECORDS as list as record ­
Record.Field RECORD as record, FIELD as text as any ­
Record.FieldCount RECORD as record as number ­
Record.FieldNames RECORD as record as list ­
Record.FieldOrDefault RECORD as nullable record, FIELD as text, optional DEFAULTVALUE as any as any ­
Record.FieldValues RECORD as record as list ­
Record.FromList LIST as list, FIELDS as any as record ­
Record.FromTable TABLE as table as record ­
Record.HasFields RECORD as record, FIELDS as any as logical ­
Record.RemoveFields RECORD as record, FIELDS as any, optional MISSINGFIELD as nullable number as record ­
Record.RenameFields RECORD as record, RENAMES as list, optional MISSINGFIELD as nullable number as record ­
Record.ReorderFields RECORD as record, FIELDORDER as list, optional MISSINGFIELD as nullable number as record ­
Record.SelectFields RECORD as record, FIELDS as any, optional MISSINGFIELD as nullable number as record ­
Record.ToList RECORD as record as list ­
Record.ToTable RECORD as record as table ­
Record.TransformFields RECORD as record, TRANSFORMOPERATIONS as list, optional MISSINGFIELD as nullable number as record ­


Replacer.ReplaceText TEXT as nullable text, OLD as text, NEW as text as nullable text ­
Replacer.ReplaceValue VALUE as any, OLD as any, NEW as any as any ­


RowExpression.Column COLUMNNAME as text as record ­
RowExpression.From FUNCTION as function as record ­


Salesforce.Data optional LOGINURL as any, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­
Salesforce.Reports optional LOGINURL as nullable text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


SapBusinessWarehouse.Cubes SERVER as text, SYSTEMNUMBERORSYSTEMID as text, CLIENTID as text, optional OPTIONSORLOGONGROUP as any, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


SapHana.Database **server** as text, optional **options** as nullable record as table ­


SharePoint.Contents URL as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­
SharePoint.Files URL as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­
SharePoint.Tables URL as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


Single.From VALUE as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text as nullable number ­


Soda.Feed URL as text as table ­


Splitter.SplitByNothing as function ­
Splitter.SplitTextByAnyDelimiter DELIMITERS as list, optional QUOTESTYLE as nullable number, optional STARTATEND as nullable logical as function ­
Splitter.SplitTextByCharacterTransition BEFORE as anynonnull, AFTER as anynonnull as function ­
Splitter.SplitTextByDelimiter DELIMITER as text, optional QUOTESTYLE as nullable number as function ­
Splitter.SplitTextByEachDelimiter DELIMITERS as list, optional QUOTESTYLE as nullable number, optional STARTATEND as nullable logical as function ­
Splitter.SplitTextByLengths LENGTHS as list, optional STARTATEND as nullable logical as function ­
Splitter.SplitTextByPositions POSITIONS as list, optional STARTATEND as nullable logical as function ­
Splitter.SplitTextByRanges RANGES as list, optional STARTATEND as nullable logical as function ­
Splitter.SplitTextByRepeatedLengths LENGTH as number, optional STARTATEND as nullable logical as function ­
Splitter.SplitTextByWhitespace optional QUOTESTYLE as nullable number as function ­


Sql.Database SERVER as text, DATABASE as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­
Sql.Databases SERVER as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


SqlExpression.SchemaFrom SCHEMA as any as any ­
SqlExpression.ToExpression SQL as text, ENVIRONMENT as record as text ­


Sybase.Database SERVER as text, DATABASE as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


Functions related to tables.
Table.AddColumn TABLE as table, NEWCOLUMNNAME as text, COLUMNGENERATOR as function, optional COLUMNTYPE as nullable type as table ­
Table.AddFuzzyClusterColumn TABLE as table, COLUMNNAME as text, NEWCOLUMNNAME as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­
Table.AddIndexColumn TABLE as table, NEWCOLUMNNAME as text, optional INITIALVALUE as nullable number, optional INCREMENT as nullable number, optional COLUMNTYPE as nullable type as table ­
Table.AddJoinColumn table1 as table, key1 as any, table2 as function, key2 as any, newColumnName as text as table ­
Table.AddKey TABLE as table, COLUMNS as list, ISPRIMARY as logical as table ­
Table.AddRankColumn TABLE as table, NEWCOLUMNNAME as text, COMPARISONCRITERIA as any, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­
Table.AggregateTableColumn TABLE as table, COLUMN as text, AGGREGATIONS as list as table ­
Table.AlternateRows TABLE as table, OFFSET as number, SKIP as number, TAKE as number as table ­
Table.ApproximateRowCount TABLE as table as number ­
Table.Buffer TABLE as table, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­Buffers the list in memory, resulting in a stable list
Table.Column TABLE as table, COLUMN as text as list ­
Table.ColumnCount TABLE as table as number ­
Table.ColumnNames TABLE as table as list ­
Table.ColumnsOfType TABLE as table, LISTOFTYPES as list as list ­
Table.Combine TABLES as list, optional COLUMNS as any as table ­
Table.CombineColumns TABLE as table, SOURCECOLUMNS as list, COMBINER as function, COLUMN as text as table ­
Table.CombineColumnsToRecord TABLE as table, NEWCOLUMNNAME as text, SOURCECOLUMNS as list, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­
Table.ConformToPageReader TABLE as table, SHAPINGFUNCTION as function as table ­
Table.Contains TABLE as table, ROW as record, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as logical ­
Table.ContainsAll TABLE as table, ROWS as list, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as logical ­
Table.ContainsAny TABLE as table, ROWS as list, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as logical ­
Table.DemoteHeaders TABLE as table as table ­Compare with Table.PromoteHeaders
Table.Distinct TABLE as table, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as table ­
Table.DuplicateColumn TABLE as table, COLUMNNAME as text, NEWCOLUMNNAME as text, optional COLUMNTYPE as nullable type as table ­
Table.ExpandListColumn TABLE as table, COLUMN as text as table ­
Table.ExpandRecordColumn TABLE as table, COLUMN as text, FIELDNAMES as list, optional NEWCOLUMNNAMES as nullable list as table ­
Table.ExpandTableColumn TABLE as table, COLUMN as text, COLUMNNAMES as list, optional NEWCOLUMNNAMES as nullable list as table ­
Table.FillDown TABLE as table, COLUMNS as list as table ­
Table.FillUp TABLE as table, COLUMNS as list as table ­
Table.FilterWithDataTable TABLE as table, DATATABLEIDENTIFIER as text as any ­
Table.FindText TABLE as table, TEXT as text as table ­
Table.First TABLE as table, optional DEFAULT as any as any ­
Table.FirstN TABLE as table, COUNTORCONDITION as any as table ­
Table.FirstValue TABLE as table, optional DEFAULT as any as any ­
Table.FromColumns LISTS as list, optional COLUMNS as any as table ­
Table.FromList LIST as list, optional SPLITTER as nullable function, optional COLUMNS as any, optional DEFAULT as any, optional EXTRAVALUES as nullable number as table ­
Table.FromPartitions PARTITIONCOLUMN as text, PARTITIONS as list, optional PARTITIONCOLUMNTYPE as nullable type as table ­
Table.FromRecords RECORDS as list, optional COLUMNS as any, optional MISSINGFIELD as nullable number as table ­
Table.FromRows ROWS as list, optional COLUMNS as any as table ­
Table.FromValue VALUE as any, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­
Table.FuzzyGroup TABLE as table, KEY as any, AGGREGATEDCOLUMNS as list, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­
Table.FuzzyJoin TABLE1 as table, KEY1 as any, TABLE2 as table, KEY2 as any, optional JOINKIND as nullable number, optional JOINOPTIONS as nullable record as table Compare with Table.Join
Table.FuzzyNestedJoin TABLE1 as table, KEY1 as any, TABLE2 as table, KEY2 as any, NEWCOLUMNNAME as text, optional JOINKIND as nullable number, optional JOINOPTIONS as nullable record as table ­
Table.Group TABLE as table, KEY as any, AGGREGATEDCOLUMNS as list, optional GROUPKIND as nullable number, optional COMPARER as nullable function as table ­
Table.HasColumns TABLE as table, COLUMNS as any as logical ­
Table.InsertRows TABLE as table, OFFSET as number, ROWS as list as table ­
Table.IsDistinct TABLE as table, optional COMPARISONCRITERIA as any as logical ­
Table.IsEmpty TABLE as table as logical ­
Table.Join TABLE1 as table, KEY1 as any, TABLE2 as table, KEY2 as any, optional JOINKIND as nullable number, optional JOINALGORITHM as nullable number, optional KEYEQUALITYCOMPARERS as nullable list as table Compare with Table.FuzzyJoin
Table.Keys TABLE as table as list ­
Table.Last TABLE as table, optional DEFAULT as any as any ­
Table.LastN TABLE as table, COUNTORCONDITION as any as table ­
Table.MatchesAllRows TABLE as table, CONDITION as function as logical ­
Table.MatchesAnyRows TABLE as table, CONDITION as function as logical ­
Table.Max TABLE as table, COMPARISONCRITERIA as any, optional DEFAULT as any as any ­
Table.MaxN TABLE as table, COMPARISONCRITERIA as any, COUNTORCONDITION as any as table ­
Table.Min TABLE as table, COMPARISONCRITERIA as any, optional DEFAULT as any as any ­
Table.MinN TABLE as table, COMPARISONCRITERIA as any, COUNTORCONDITION as any as table ­
Table.NestedJoin TABLE1 as table, KEY1 as any, TABLE2 as any, KEY2 as any, NEWCOLUMNNAME as text, optional JOINKIND as nullable number, optional KEYEQUALITYCOMPARERS as nullable list as table ­
Table.Partition TABLE as table, COLUMN as text, GROUPS as number, HASH as function as list ­
Table.PartitionValues TABLE as table as table ­
Table.Pivot TABLE as table, PIVOTVALUES as list, ATTRIBUTECOLUMN as text, VALUECOLUMN as text, optional AGGREGATIONFUNCTION as nullable function as table ­
Table.PositionOf TABLE as table, ROW as record, optional OCCURRENCE as any, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as any ­
Table.PositionOfAny TABLE as table, ROWS as list, optional OCCURRENCE as nullable number, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as any ­
Table.PrefixColumns TABLE as table, PREFIX as text as table ­
Table.Profile TABLE as table, optional ADDITIONALAGGREGATES as nullable list as table ­Applies the «SQL aggregate functions» min, max, avg, stdev and count as well as the count of NULLs and distinct values on the table's columns. Additional aggregates can be specified with ADDITIONALAGGREGATES.
Table.PromoteHeaders TABLE as table, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­Compare with Table.DemoteHeaders
Table.Range TABLE as table, OFFSET as number, optional COUNT as nullable number as table ­
Table.RemoveColumns TABLE as table, COLUMNS as any, optional MISSINGFIELD as nullable number as table ­
Table.RemoveFirstN TABLE as table, optional COUNTORCONDITION as any as table ­
Table.RemoveLastN TABLE as table, optional COUNTORCONDITION as any as table ­
Table.RemoveMatchingRows TABLE as table, ROWS as list, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as table ­
Table.RemoveRows TABLE as table, OFFSET as number, optional COUNT as nullable number as table ­
Table.RemoveRowsWithErrors TABLE as table, optional COLUMNS as nullable list as table ­
Table.RenameColumns TABLE as table, RENAMES as list, optional MISSINGFIELD as nullable number as table ­Compare with Table.TransformColumnNames
Table.ReorderColumns TABLE as table, COLUMNORDER as list, optional MISSINGFIELD as nullable number as table ­
Table.Repeat TABLE as table, COUNT as number as table ­
Table.ReplaceErrorValues TABLE as table, ERRORREPLACEMENT as list as table ­
Table.ReplaceKeys TABLE as table, KEYS as list as table ­
Table.ReplaceMatchingRows TABLE as table, REPLACEMENTS as list, optional EQUATIONCRITERIA as any as table ­
Table.ReplaceRelationshipIdentity VALUE as any, IDENTITY as text as any ­
Table.ReplaceRows TABLE as table, OFFSET as number, COUNT as number, ROWS as list as table ­
Table.ReplaceValue TABLE as table, OLDVALUE as any, NEWVALUE as any, REPLACER as function, COLUMNSTOSEARCH as list as table ­
Table.ReverseRows TABLE as table as table ­
Table.RowCount TABLE as table as number ­
Table.Schema TABLE as table as table ­
Table.SelectColumns TABLE as table, COLUMNS as any, optional MISSINGFIELD as nullable number as table ­
Table.SelectRows TABLE as table, CONDITION as function as table ­
Table.SelectRowsWithErrors TABLE as table, optional COLUMNS as nullable list as table ­
Table.SingleRow TABLE as table as record ­
Table.Skip TABLE as table, optional COUNTORCONDITION as any as table ­
Table.Sort TABLE as table, COMPARISONCRITERIA as any as table ­
Table.Split TABLE as table, PAGESIZE as number as list ­
Table.SplitAt TABLE as table, COUNT as number as list ­
Table.SplitColumn TABLE as table, SOURCECOLUMN as text, SPLITTER as function, optional COLUMNNAMESORNUMBER as any, optional DEFAULT as any, optional EXTRACOLUMNS as any as table ­
Table.StopFolding TABLE as table as table ­
Table.ToColumns TABLE as table as list ­
Table.ToList TABLE as table, optional COMBINER as nullable function as list ­
Table.ToRecords TABLE as table as list ­
Table.ToRows TABLE as table as list ­
Table.TransformColumnNames TABLE as table, NAMEGENERATOR as function, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­Compare with Table.RenameColumns
Table.TransformColumns TABLE as table, TRANSFORMOPERATIONS as list, optional DEFAULTTRANSFORMATION as nullable function, optional MISSINGFIELD as nullable number as table ­
Table.TranformColumnTypes TABLE as table, TYPETRANSFORMATIONS as list, optional CULTURE as nullable text as table ­
Table.TransformRows TABLE as table, TRANSFORM as function as list ­
Table.Transpose TABLE as table, optional COLUMNS as any as table ­
Table.Unpivot TABLE as table, PIVOTCOLUMNS as list, ATTRIBUTECOLUMN as text, VALUECOLUMN as text as table ­
Table.UnpivotOtherColumns TABLE as table, PIVOTCOLUMNS as list, ATTRIBUTECOLUMN as text, VALUECOLUMN as text as table ­
Table.View TABLE as nullable table, HANDLERS as record as table ­
Table.ViewError ERRORRECORD as record as record ­
Table.ViewFunction FUNCTION as function as function ­
Table.WithErrorContext VALUE as any, CONTEXT as text as any ­


Tables.GetRelationships TABLES as table, optional DATACOLUMN as nullable text as table ­


Teradata.Database SERVER as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as table ­


Text.AfterDelimiter TEXT as nullable text, DELIMITER as text, optional INDEX as any as any ­
Text.At TEXT as nullable text, INDEX as number as nullable text ­
Text.BeforeDelimiter TEXT as nullable text, DELIMITER as text, optional INDEX as any as any ­
Text.BetweenDelimiters TEXT as nullable text, STARTDELIMITER as text, ENDDELIMITER as text, optional STARTINDEX as any, optional ENDINDEX as any as any ­
Text.Clean TEXT as nullable text as nullable text ­
Text.Combine TEXTS as list, optional SEPARATOR as nullable text as text ­
Text.Contains TEXT as nullable text, SUBSTRING as text, optional COMPARER as nullable function as nullable logical ­
Text.End TEXT as nullable text, COUNT as number as nullable text ­
Text.EndsWith TEXT as nullable text, SUBSTRING as text, optional COMPARER as nullable function as nullable logical ­
Text.Format FORMATSTRING as text, ARGUMENTS as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text as text ­
Text.From VALUE as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text as nullable text ­
Text.FromBinary BINARY as nullable binary, optional ENCODING as nullable number as nullable text ­
Text.InferNumberType TEXT as text, optional CULTURE as nullable text as type ­
Text.Insert TEXT as nullable text, OFFSET as number, NEWTEXT as text as nullable text ­
Text.Length TEXT as nullable text as nullable number ­
Text.Lower TEXT as nullable text, optional CULTURE as nullable text as nullable text ­
Text.Middle TEXT as nullable text, START as number, optional COUNT as nullable number as nullable text ­
Text.NewGuid as text ­
Text.PadEnd TEXT as nullable text, COUNT as number, optional CHARACTER as nullable text as nullable text ­
Text.PadStart TEXT as nullable text, COUNT as number, optional CHARACTER as nullable text as nullable text ­
Text.PositionOf TEXT as text, SUBSTRING as text, optional OCCURRENCE as nullable number, optional COMPARER as nullable function as any ­
Text.PositionOfAny TEXT as text, CHARACTERS as list, optional OCCURRENCE as nullable number as any ­
Text.Proper TEXT as nullable text, optional CULTURE as nullable text as nullable text ­
Text.Range TEXT as nullable text, OFFSET as number, optional COUNT as nullable number as nullable text ­
Text.Remove TEXT as nullable text, REMOVECHARS as any as nullable text ­
Text.RemoveRange TEXT as nullable text, OFFSET as number, optional COUNT as nullable number as nullable text ­
Text.Repeat TEXT as nullable text, COUNT as number as nullable text ­
Text.Replace TEXT as nullable text, OLD as text, NEW as text as nullable text ­
Text.ReplaceRange TEXT as nullable text, OFFSET as number, COUNT as number, NEWTEXT as text as nullable text ­
Text.Reverse TEXT as nullable text as nullable text ­
Text.Select TEXT as nullable text, SELECTCHARS as any as nullable text ­
Text.Split TEXT as text, SEPARATOR as text as list ­
Text.SplitAny TEXT as text, SEPARATORS as text as list ­
Text.Start TEXT as nullable text, COUNT as number as nullable text ­
Text.StartsWith TEXT as nullable text, SUBSTRING as text, optional COMPARER as nullable function as nullable logical ­
Text.ToBinary TEXT as nullable text, optional ENCODING as nullable number, optional INCLUDEBYTEORDERMARK as nullable logical as nullable binary ­
Text.ToList TEXT as text as list ­
Text.Trim TEXT as nullable text, optional TRIM as any as nullable text ­
Text.TrimEnd TEXT as nullable text, optional TRIM as any as nullable text ­
Text.TrimStart TEXT as nullable text, optional TRIM as any as nullable text ­
Text.Upper TEXT as nullable text, optional CULTURE as nullable text as nullable text ­


Time.EndOfHour DATETIME as any as any ­
Time.From VALUE as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text as nullable time ­
Time.FromText TEXT as nullable text, optional OPTIONS as any as nullable time ­
Time.Hour DATETIME as any as nullable number ­
Time.Minute DATETIME as any as nullable number ­
Time.Second DATETIME as any as nullable number ­
Time.StartOfHour DATETIME as any as any ­
Time.ToRecord TIME as time as record ­
Time.ToText TIME as nullable time, optional OPTIONS as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text as nullable text ­


Functions related to types.
Type.AddTableKey TABLE as type, COLUMNS as list, ISPRIMARY as logical as type ­
Type.ClosedRecord TYPE as type as type ­
Type.Facets TYPE as type as record ­
Type.ForFunction SIGNATURE as record, MIN as number as type ­
Type.ForRecord FIELDS as record, OPEN as logical as type ­
Type.FunctionParameters TYPE as type as record ­
Type.FunctionRequiredParameters TYPE as type as number ­
Type.FunctionReturn TYPE as type as type ­
Type.Is TYPE1 as type, TYPE2 as type as logical ­
Type.IsNullable TYPE as type as logical ­
Type.IsOpenRecord TYPE as type as logical ­
Type.ListItem TYPE as type as type ­
Type.NonNullable TYPE as type as type ­
Type.OpenRecord TYPE as type as type ­
Type.RecordFields TYPE as type as record ­
Type.ReplaceFacets TYPE as type, FACETS as record as type ­
Type.ReplaceTableKeys TABLETYPE as type, KEYS as list as type ­
Type.TableColumn TABLETYPE as type, COLUMN as text as type ­
Type.TableKeys TABLETYPE as type as list ­
Type.TableRow TABLE as type as type ­
Type.TableSchema TABLETYPE as type as table ­
Type.Union TYPES as list as type ­


Uri.BuildQueryString QUERY as record as text ­
Uri.Combine BASEURI as text, RELATIVEURI as text as text ­
Uri.EscapeDataString DATA as text as text ­
Uri.Parts ABSOLUTEURI as text as record ­


Value.Add VALUE1 as any, VALUE2 as any, optional PRECISION as nullable number as any ­
Value.Alternates ALTERNATES as list as any ­
Value.As VALUE as any, TYPE as type as any ­
Value.Compare VALUE1 as any, VALUE2 as any, optional PRECISION as nullable number as number ­
Value.Divide VALUE1 as any, VALUE2 as any, optional PRECISION as nullable number as any ­
Value.Equals VALUE1 as any, VALUE2 as any, optional PRECISION as nullable number as logical ­
Value.Expression VALUE as any as nullable record ­
Value.Firewall KEY as text as any ­
Value.FromText TEXT as any, optional CULTURE as nullable text as any ­
Value.Is VALUE as any, TYPE as type as logical ­
Value.Lineage VALUE as any as any ­
Value.Metadata VALUE as any as any ­
Value.Multiply VALUE1 as any, VALUE2 as any, optional PRECISION as nullable number as any ­
Value.NativeQuery TARGET as any, QUERY as text, optional PARAMETERS as any, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as any ­
Value.NullableEquals VALUE1 as any, VALUE2 as any, optional PRECISION as nullable number as nullable logical ­
Value.Optimize VALUE as any as any ­
Value.RemoveMetadata VALUE as any, optional METAVALUE as any as any ­
Value.ReplaceMetadata VALUE as any, METAVALUE as any as any ­
Value.ReplaceType VALUE as any, TYPE as type as any ­
Value.Subtract VALUE1 as any, VALUE2 as any, optional PRECISION as nullable number as any ­
Value.Traits VALUE as any as table ­
Value.Type VALUE as any as type Return the type of the given value.
Value.VersionIdentity VALUE as any as any ­
Value.Versions VALUE as any as table ­
Value.ViewError ERRORRECORD as record as record ­
Value.ViewFunction FUNCTION as function as function ­


Variable.Value IDENTIFIER as text as any ­This function is used internally.


Web.BrowserContents URL as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as text ­
Web.Contents URL as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as binary ­
Web.Headers URL as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as record ­
Web.Page HTML as any as table ­


WebAction.Request METHOD as text, URL as text, optional OPTIONS as nullable record as action ­


Xml.Document CONTENTS as any, optional ENCODING as nullable number as table ­
Xml.Tables CONTENTS as any, optional OPTIONS as nullable record, optional ENCODING as nullable number as table ­

Extraction of functions and parameters

The above tables were created from the *.md files in the path query-languages/ of the github repository MicrosoftDocs/query-docs with the following Python script
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import re
import os
import glob

prev_ns = '?'

def extract_text_between_pre_tags(file_path):
    with open(file_path, 'r'                  ) as file:
        file_contents =

    match ='<pre>\s*(.*?)\s*</pre>', file_contents, re.DOTALL)

    if match:
        m =
        m = re.sub(r'<b>(.*?)<\/b>', lambda match:, m)

        global prev_ns
        ns = m.split('.')[0]
        if prev_ns != ns:
           if prev_ns != '?':
              print('  table }')

           print(f'{{ {ns}')
           print('  table { llll')
           prev_ns = ns

        sp = m.split('(')
        qr = sp[1].split(')')
        qr0 = f'`{qr[0]}` ' if qr[0] != '' else ''
        print(f'   `{sp[0]}` ☰ {qr0}☰ `{qr[1][1:]}` ☰­')

for  filename in sorted(glob.glob(f'{doc_dir}/*.md')):
     file_path = os.path.join(doc_dir, filename)

     if os.path.isfile(file_path):

print('  table }')



Members: Hex, Base64


Optional, Required, Repeating (See also Occurence)


LittleEndian, BigEndian


QuoteAlways, QuoteAfterDelimiter


Day has the elements Sunday (=0) through Saturday (=6).
See also the function Date.DayOfWeek.


Members: List, Ignore, Erro


Members: Global, Local.


PairwiseHash, SortMerge, LeftHash, RightHash, LeftIndex, RightIndex.


Members: LeftOuter, RightOuter, FullOuter, LeftAnti, RightAnti.


Left, Right


None, Top, Limit, LimitOffset, AnsiSql2008


Members: Error, Ignore, UseNull


Members: Pi, E


Members: All, First, Last
Also: Optional, Required, Repeating (See also BinaryOccurence)


Members: Ascending, Descending


Members: Double, Decimal


None, Csv


RelativePosition has the two elements FromStart (=0) and FromEnd (=1).


Members: Up, Down, AwayFromZero, TowardZero, ToEven.


Members: Utf8, Utf16, Ascii, Unicode, BigEndianUnicode.


Members: Critical, Error, Warning, Information, Verbose.


Get etc.


What about Power Query M formula language standard library: TraceLevel?

See also

Power Query
