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Excel Object Model: Style

A style object stores style attributes which can be applied to ranges. Such attributes include
In order to customize the appearance of hyperlinks, the two styles Hyperlink and Followed Hyperlink can be used. They only spring in existence as soon as a hyperlink is used in a workbook (using the =hyperlink(…) worksheet function or the hyperlink object).
It is advisable, imho, to create them and define the appearance before any hyperlink is inserted.
option explicit

sub main() ' {

    dim stHyperlink         as style
    dim stHyperlinkFollowed as style

    set stHyperlink         = thisWorkbook.styles.add("Hyperlink"         )
    set stHyperlinkfollowed = thisWorkbook.styles.add("Followed Hyperlink")

    stHyperlink.font.color         = rgb(5, 99, 193)
    stHyperlinkFollowed.font.color = rgb(5, 99, 193)

    activeSheet.cells(1,1).formula = "=hyperlink(""#b1"", ""b1"")"
    activeSheet.cells(2,1).formula = "=hyperlink(""#a1"", ""a1"")"

end sub ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Excel/Style/hyperlink.vb

See also

A style is defined in the context of a workbook, not globally (activeWorkbook.styles).
The styles collection
The Excel menu Home -> Styles -> Cell Styles
Excel Object Model
