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Excel function: ADDRESS

address returns a textual representation of the cell that is identified by a given combination of row and column number, i.e. its address, such as $E$10 or R[10]C[5].
option explicit

sub main() ' {


    cells(2, 2).formula = "=address(10, 5)"            ' Address of 10th row, 5th column:                                     $E$10
    cells(3, 2).formula = "=address(row(), column())"  ' Address of THIS cell:                                                $B$3
    cells(4, 2).formula = "=address(10, 5, 4)"         ' Relative address of 10th row, 5th column:                            E10
    cells(5, 2).formula = "=address(10, 5, 4, 0)"      ' Relative address of 10th row, 5th column, R1C1 reference style R1C1: R[10]C[5]

end sub ' }
Github repository about-Excel, path: /functions/address.bas

Create a reference to the cell that contains the function

=address(row(), column()) is particularly useful to create the address of the cell that contains the function.

Comparing with INDIRECT()

address creates a reference that can be used as parameter for indirect().
The following formula evaluates to the value stored in D1:
=indirect(address(1, 4))

See also

The address function of the range object.
Excel functions
