Search notes:

Excel Object Model: Range.Address

range.address returns a textual representation (a string) of the range.
The returned value is independent from the current referenceStyle. By default, the address is returned in absolute A1 style which can be demonstrated with the following code in the immediate window:
application.ReferenceStyle = xlA1
? selection.address

application.ReferenceStyle = xlR1C1
? selection.address
The address property has some parameters that alter the returned semantics of the address. This is demonstrated with the following VBA function:
option explicit

sub main() ' {

    dim rng as range

    set rng = cells(7, 3)

    debug.print (rng.address)             ' $C$7

    debug.print (rng.address(   _
       rowAbsolute    := false, _
       columnAbsolute := false  _
    ))                                    ' C7

    debug.print (rng.address(   _
       referenceStyle := xlR1C1 _
    ))                                    ' R7C3

    debug.print (rng.address(        _
       rowAbsolute    := false     , _
       columnAbsolute := false     , _
       referenceStyle := xlR1C1    , _
       relativeTo     := cells(5, 8) _
   ))                                    ' R[2]C[-5]

end sub ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Excel/Range/address.bas

See also

The worksheet function address
The range of the Excel's object model.
