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Excel array formulas: countifs

Count the number of occurences of specific strings

In the following example, countifs() is used to compare tha values in the range that is filled in testData with a constant array (the curly braces {"foo", "bar", "baz"}).
With this construct, countifs() returns an array whose values are filled into the cells in the first row (columns 2 through 4).
option explicit

sub main() ' {


  ' Count values of foo, bar and baz:
    range(cells(1,2), cells(1, 4)).formulaArray = "=countifs(r1c1:r12c1, {""foo"", ""bar"", ""baz""} )"

end sub ' }

sub testData() ' {
 '  Clear active sheet's data:

 '  Insert a few values
    cells( 2, 1) = "bar"
    cells( 3, 1) = "bla"
    cells( 4, 1) = "bar"
    cells( 5, 1) = "foo"
    cells( 6, 1) = "xyz"
    cells( 7, 1) = "baz"
    cells( 8, 1) = "bar"
    cells( 9, 1) = "abc"
    cells(10, 1) = "foo"
    cells(11, 1) = "xxx"
    cells(12, 1) = "bar"

end sub ' }
Github repository about-Excel, path: /formulas/array/countifs/foo-bar-baz.bas

See also

Array formulas
