Search notes:



X Cross platform (as opposed to limiting it to L = Linux or W = Windows in LAMP/WAMP)
A Apache (webserver)
M MariaDB (which replaced MySQL in the year 2015)
P Perl
Although the acronym explicitly references MariaDB, it also comes with SQLite.

Installing XAMPP

XAMPP can be downloaded as an archive file from and then be installed with little configuration.
After extracting the archive, .\setup_xampp.bat must be executed.


Alternatively, XAMPP can also be installed with Chocolatey:
choco install -y bitnami-xampp
When trying to install XAMPP with Chocolatey, some user interaction is still required to let Windows Defender Firewall unblock some ports.
I am not sure if or how choco can be invoked so that this manual intervention is not necessary.
The installation root is C:\xampp. (So, for example, the httpd.conf file is found under C:\xampp\apache\conf).

Directory structure

Some interesting files and directories found under XAMPP's installation root seem to be:
|   apache_start.bat                                             ' Start Apache Webserver (without starting MariaDB or or anything else)
|   apache_stop.bat
|   catalina_service.bat
|   catalina_start.bat
|   catalina_stop.bat
|   mysql_start.bat
|   mysql_stop.bat
|   passwords.txt
|   readme_de.txt
|   readme_en.txt
|   setup_xampp.bat                                              ' calls install/install.php
|   test_php.bat
|   xampp-control.exe
|   xampp-control.ini
|   xampp_start.exe
|   xampp_stop.exe
+---apache                                                       ' The so-called server root of Apache
|   |   makecert.bat                                             ' Create apache/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt and apache/conf/ssl.key/server.key.
|   |   
|   +---bin
|   |   |   ab.exe
|   |   |   abs.exe
|   |   |   ApacheMonitor.exe
|   |   |   curl-ca-bundle.crt
|   |   |   curl.exe
|   |   |
|   |   |   htcacheclean.exe
|   |   |   htdbm.exe
|   |   |   htdigest.exe
|   |   |   htpasswd.exe
|   |   |   httpd.exe                                            ' THE Apache executable
|   |   |   httxt2dbm.exe
|   |   |   logresolve.exe
|   |   |   openssl.exe                                          ' The OpenSSL executable
|   |   |   pv.exe
|   |   |   rotatelogs.exe
|   |   |   wintty.exe
|   |   |   
|   |   \---iconv                                                ' Lots of shared objects *.so
|   |           
|   +---conf
|   |   |   charset.conv
|   |   |   httpd.conf                                           ' An Apache httpd.conf file
|   |   |   magic
|   |   |   mime.types
|   |   |   openssl.cnf
|   |   |   
|   |   +---extra
|   |   |       httpd-ajp.conf                                   ' AJP proxy
|   |   |       httpd-autoindex.conf                             ' Fancy directory listings
|   |   |       httpd-dav.conf                                   ' Distributed authoring and verioning (WebDAV). Security risk - uncommented in XAMPP by default
|   |   |       httpd-default.conf
|   |   |       httpd-info.conf                                  ' Real-time info on requests and configuration
|   |   |       httpd-languages.conf                             ' Language settings (mostly AddLanguage, LanguagePriority and AddCharset directives)
|   |   |       httpd-manual.conf                                ' Access Apache Server manual locally - uncommented in XAMPP by default
|   |   |       httpd-mpm.conf                                   ' MPM specific Server-pool management
|   |   |       httpd-multilang-errordoc.conf                    ' Multli-language error messages
|   |   |       httpd-proxy.conf                                 ' A proxy/gateway for Apache
|   |   |       httpd-ssl.conf                                   ' Provide SSL support.
|   |   |       httpd-userdir.conf
|   |   |       httpd-vhosts.conf                                ' Used to maintain multiple domains or hostnames.
|   |   |       httpd-xampp.conf                                 ' Included from apache/conf/httpd.conf
|   |   |       proxy-html.conf
|   |   |       
|   |   +---original                                             ' This directory *seems* to store the default files delivered with Apache
|   |   |           
|   |   +---ssl.crt
|   |   |       server.crt                                       ' The server certificate, it can be created with apache/makecert.bat
|   |   |       
|   |   +---ssl.csr
|   |   |       server.csr
|   |   |       
|   |   \---ssl.key
|   |           server.key                                       ' The server private key, it can be created with apache/makecert.bat 
|   |           
|   +---error
|   |   |   contact.html.var
|   |   |   HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY.html.var
|   |   |   HTTP_BAD_REQUEST.html.var
|   |   |   HTTP_FORBIDDEN.html.var
|   |   |   HTTP_GONE.html.var
|   |   |   HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.html.var
|   |   |   HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED.html.var
|   |   |   HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED.html.var
|   |   |   HTTP_NOT_FOUND.html.var
|   |   |   HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED.html.var
|   |   |   HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED.html.var
|   |   |   HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE.html.var
|   |   |   HTTP_REQUEST_TIME_OUT.html.var
|   |   |   HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE.html.var
|   |   |   HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE.html.var
|   |   |   HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED.html.var
|   |   |   HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE.html.var
|   |   |   HTTP_VARIANT_ALSO_VARIES.html.var
|   |   |   README
|   |   |   XAMPP_FORBIDDEN.html.var
|   |   |   
|   |   \---include
|   |           bottom.html
|   |           spacer.html
|   |           top.html
|   |           
|   +---icons
|   |           
|   +---include
|   |       
|   +---lib
|   |       apr-1.lib
|   |       aprutil-1.lib
|   |       libapr-1.exp
|   |       libapr-1.lib
|   |       libapriconv-1.exp
|   |       libapriconv-1.lib
|   |       libaprutil-1.exp
|   |       libaprutil-1.lib
|   |       libhttpd.exp
|   |       libhttpd.lib
|   |       mod_dav.exp
|   |       mod_dav.lib
|   |       mod_proxy.lib
|   |       xml.lib
|   |       zlib.lib
|   |       
|   +---logs
|   |       access.log
|   |       error.log                                            ' The error log file for Apache
|   |
|   |       install.log
|   |       ssl_request.log
|   |       
|   +---manual
|   |       docs.txt
|   |       
|   \---modules                                                  ' The directory that contains the shared objects for the Apache modules
|       cgi.cgi                                                  ' A Perl script in disguise. Prints OK.
|       perltest.cgi                                             ' CGI with MiniPerl
|                                              ' A demo CGI program which just prints the set of environment variables.
|   …
|   |   applications.html
|   |   bitnami.css
|   |   favicon.ico
|   |   index.php                                                ' The file that is served by pointin a web browser to localhost after a fresh installation
|   |   
|   +---dashboard
|   |   +---de
|   |   |       faq.html
|   |   |       howto.html
|   |   |       howto_platform_links.html
|   |   |       howto_shared_links.html
|   |   |       index.html                                       ' The file that is (via HTTP-redirection) served when pointing the browser to http://localhost
|   |   |       
|   |   +---docs
|   |   |       …   
|   |
|   +---img
|   |       …
|   |       
|   +---webalizer
|   \---xampp
|           .modell
|           .modell-usb
|           .version                                             ' Contains the version of XAMPP(?)
|       .version
|       awk.exe
|       config.awk
|       folder.ico
|       install.php                                              ' invoked from setup_xampp.bat
|       install.sys                                              ' Stores the installation status for XAMPP basic packages. Absent in fresh USB installation, created by install/install.php
|       php.png
|       portcheck.bat
|       portcheck.php
|       serverupdate.sys
|       test.php
|       xampp-icon-uninstall.ico
|       xampp.ico
|   |   …
|   +---<lang>
|   |   sqlite3.exe
|   |   COPYING
|   |   CREDITS
|   |
|   |   resetroot.bat
|   |   
|   +---backup
|   |   |   aria_log.00000001
|   |   |   aria_log_control
|   |   |   ibdata1
|   |   |   ibtmp1
|   |   |   ib_buffer_pool
|   |   |   ib_logfile0
|   |   |   ib_logfile1
|   |   |
|   |   |   my.ini
|   |   |   
|   |   +---mysql
|   |   +---phpmyadmin
|   |   \---test
|   |           
|   +---bin
|   |       *.dll
|   |       aria_chk.exe
|   |       aria_dump_log.exe
|   |       aria_ftdump.exe
|   |       aria_pack.exe
|   |       aria_read_log.exe
|   |       innochecksum.exe
|   |       libmariadb.dll
|   |       mariabackup.exe
|   |       mbstream.exe
|   |       my.ini
|   |       myisamchk.exe
|   |       myisamlog.exe
|   |       myisampack.exe
|   |       myisam_ftdump.exe
|   |       myrocks_hotbackup
|   |       mysql.exe
|   |       mysqladmin.exe
|   |       mysqlbinlog.exe
|   |       mysqlcheck.exe
|   |       mysqld.exe
|   |       mysqldump.exe
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |       mysqlimport.exe
|   |       mysqlshow.exe
|   |       mysqlslap.exe
|   |
|   |
|   |       mysql_install_db.exe
|   |       mysql_ldb.exe
|   |       mysql_plugin.exe
|   |       mysql_tzinfo_to_sql.exe
|   |       mysql_upgrade.exe
|   |       mysql_upgrade_service.exe
|   |       mysql_upgrade_wizard.exe
|   |       my_print_defaults.exe
|   |       perror.exe
|   |       replace.exe
|   |       sst_dump.exe
|   |       ucrtbase.dll
|   |       vcruntime140_1.dll
|   |       
|   +---data
|   |   |   aria_log.00000001
|   |   |   aria_log_control
|   |   |   ibdata1
|   |   |   ibtmp1
|   |   |   ib_buffer_pool
|   |   |   ib_logfile0
|   |   |   ib_logfile1
|   |   |
|   |   |   my.ini
|   |   |   
|   |   +---mysql
|   |   |       
|   |   +---performance_schema
|   |   |       db.opt
|   |   |       
|   |   +---phpmyadmin
|   |   |       
|   |   \---test
|   |           db.opt
|   |           
|   \---share
|       |   
|       +---charsets
|      …
|   |   CompatInfo.php
|   |   deplister.exe
|   |   news.txt
|   |   pci
|   |   pci.bat
|   |   pci.css
|   |   pciconf
|   |   pciconf.bat
|   |   pear.bat
|   |   peardev.bat
|   |   pecl.bat
|   |   phar.phar.bat
|   |   pharcommand.phar
|   |   php-cgi.exe
|   |   php-win.exe
|   |   php.exe
|   |   php.ini                                                  ' The initialization file for PHP with which PHP's behavior is configured.
|   |   php.ini-development
|   |   php.ini-production
|   |   phpdbg.exe
|   |   phpunit
|   |   phpunit.bat
|   |   readme-redist-bins.txt
|   |
|   |   snapshot.txt
|   |   webdriver-test-example.php
|   |   …
|   |       
|   +---pear                                                     ' This directory is in PHP's (default?) include path which is set in php.ini
|   |   …
|   |               
|   \---www
|   …
+---tmp                                                          ' The tmp directory is needed by PHP for saving sessions.

See also

Using certificates with XAMPP.
Uniform Server
