Search notes:

JavaScript: printf in the console

The console.log() method has some basic printf functionality: (%s for strings, %d for integers, %f for floats (doubles?))
  <meta charset="utf8">


<script type="text/JavaScript">

  function main() {

    var str = 'foo bar baz';
    var i   =  42;
    var flt =  Math.PI;

    console.log('str: %s', str);
    console.log('i  : %s', i  );
    console.log('flt: %f', flt);

//  var obj = {x: 'eggs', y: 'why', z: {num: 42, question: '?'}};
//  console.log('obj: %o', obj);
//  console.log('obj: %O', obj);


<body onload='main()'>

Github repository Browser-Object-Model, path: /console/printf.html
