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Browser Object Model: console.log()

console.log(…) allows to write messages into the debugging console. Thus, it is a handy and cheap way to write debug messages.
If the message text is prefixed with %c, the second parameter of console.log can be given a set of CSS formatting rules that change the appearance of the written log messages.
With %s, %d and %f`, there is a rudimentary printf functionality.
In the following example, the content of an object (obj) is expanded using the JSON.stringify method.
  <meta charset="utf8">


<script type="text/JavaScript">

  function main() {
    console.log('foo bar');
    obj = {x: 'eggs', y: 'why'};
      '%cBIG and red',
      'color: #ff0000; font-size: 40px;'
      '%cbold and blue',
      'color: #0000ff; font-weight: bold'

<body onload='main()'>

Github repository Browser-Object-Model, path: /console/log.html
This HTML document writes:

See also

In Firefox, the Web Console can be opened with ctrl+shift+K.
The console object of the browser object model
