Search notes:

HTML element input (type=range)

An <input> tag whose type attribute is input allows to enter a numerical value between a certain minimum and maximum. The value can be adjusted using the mouse on a slider. There are two fundamental event handlers:
The above screenshot was produced with the following HTML document which also demonstrates how the event handlers might be implemented:
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
  <title>&lt;input type="range"&gt;</title>

  <script type="text/javascript">

    var td_on_change;
    var td_on_input;

    function main() {
      td_on_change = document.getElementById('td_on_change');
      td_on_input  = document.getElementById('td_on_input' );

    function on_change(val) {
      td_on_change.innerHTML = val;

    function on_input(val) {
      td_on_input.innerHTML = val;


<body onload='main()'>


    <td>onchange (Value updated when mouse is released)</td>
    <td><input type="range" min="20" max="50" step="5" value="25" autocomplete="off" onchange="on_change(this.value);"></td>
    <td id='td_on_change'>25</td>

    <td>oninput (Value updated as mouse drags slider)</td>
    <td><input type="range" min="20" max="50" step="5" value="35" autocomplete="off" oninput="on_input(this.value);"></td>
    <td id='td_on_input'>35</td>

Github repository about-html, path: /tags/input/type/range.html

See also

The HTML <input> element.
