Search notes:

HTML element: input

The <input> tag allows a user to pass values for processing, either locally in the web browser (typically JavaScript) or remotely, on the web server

type attribute

The type attribute of an <input> tag can be set to the following values
value comment HTML 5
button Trigger an action, compare with <button> tag and <input type="submit">
checkbox Choose multiple values from a list of options, compare with radio
date date (year, month, and day), with no time (sometimes also with time?)
datetime-local A control for entering a date and time, without time zone; opening a date picker or numeric wheels for month, day, and year, when active in supporting browsers.
email like text input but with format-validation
file select one or more local files. accept attribute controls selectable file types.
hidden hidden value, used to pass values that are irrelevant for the user to the web server
image submit button with an image
month month and year without timezone
number enter a number with a spinner
password enter text but with obscured characters
radio Chose one value from a list of options, compare with checkbox
range Creates a slider that allows to enter a numerical value with a given minimum and maxium, using the mouse
reset Reset values in form to default values (Not recommended)
submit Submit content of form to web server, compare with <input type="button">
tel telephone number
time time without time zone.
url enter an URL
week week-year number or week number with no time zone
datetime obsolete


<input type="button">, TODO, compare with <button>.


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
  <title>&lt;input type="file"&gt;</title>
  <script type="text/javascript">

    function display_chosen_files(evt) {

      var out = document.getElementById('out');

      var files=;

      if (files) {

        for (var i=0, f; f=files[i]; i++) {
           out.innerHTML += i + ': <b>' + + '</b> (size: ' + f.size + ', Last Modified: ' + f.lastModifiedDate + ')<br>';


    function main() {

      document.getElementById('id_file_input').addEventListener('change', display_chosen_files, false);
<body onload="main()">

  Choose files: <input type="file" id="id_file_input" multiple>

  <p>Chosen files:
  <div id="out"></div>

Github repository about-html, path: /tags/input/type/file.html

See also

HTML elements
The <select> tag can be used to define a drop down box that similarly to a radio button allows to select one or multiple value from a list of values.
DOM example: onclick
