Search notes:

vim option: runtimepath

This option specifies a list of (comma separated) directories that are searched for runtime files (such as when :colorscheme) is executed).
On most systems, the default contains five locations:
home directory Personal (local) preferences
System wide Vim directory Global preferences, as deemed fit by the administrator
$VIMRUNTIME that contains files that were distributed with Vim (and are also stored in Vim's github repository)
after/ in the system wide directory
after/ in the home directory
packages adds more entries to the runtimepath.
If :set rtp prints a truncated outout, :echo &rtp prints the complete value.

Runtime files

Vim's documentation seems to indicate that the following files and directories belong to the «runtime files»:
filetype.vim filetypes by file name
scripts.vim filetypes by file contents
autoload/ automatically loaded scripts
colors/ color scheme files (:colorscheme)
compiler/ compiler files (:compiler)
doc/ documentation
ftplugin/ filetype specific plugins
`import/` files that are found by :import
indent/ Vim scripts that control indentation files of a given fieltype
keymap/ key mapping files (keymap option)
lang/ menu translations
menu.vim GUI menus
`pack/` packages (:packadd)
plugin/ Files in this directory are automatically sourced when Vim starts up.
`print/` files for printing
`spell/` Spell checking
syntax/ Files for syntax highlighting
tutor/ Files for vimtutor


