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Vim digraphs


In the following table, x stands for the letter to which a diacritic is to be added.
Akut x' é
Breve (or. Brevis) x( ŭ
Breve darunter
Cédille x, ç but also ģ
Doppelakut ȁ
Gravis x! è
Haken (»WITH HOOK ABOVE«) x2
Hatschek (also: Caron, »WITH CARON«), compare Breve x< š
Horn (»WITH HORN«) x9 ơ
Untergesetztes Komma (Romanian Alphabet) ?
Kroužek (»WITH RING ABOVE«) aa -> å u0 -> ů
Makron (»WITH MACRON« x-
Ogonek (»WITH OGONEK«) x; ę
Dot below
Dot above (»WITH DOT ABOVE«) x. ż
Schrägstrich (»WITH STROKE«) x/ ø
Tilde (»WITH TILDE«) x? ñ
Trema (»WITH DIAERESIS«) x: ä
Zirkumflex (»WITH CIRCUMFLEX«) x> â
Breve ist rund, der Hatschek ist eckig.

Other categories of digraphs

Fractions («VULGAR FRACTION…») nm (for example, n=2, m=5 produces ⅖). The complete(?) list of possible fractions is: ¼ ½ ¾ ⅓ ⅔ ⅕ ⅖ ⅗ ⅘ ⅙ ⅚ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞
Superscript and subscript nS and ns n = 09, +, -, =, ( and )
Digit fullstop n. n= 09, for example ⒊
Quoting symbols « <<, » >> or a combination of 6 or 9 and ", :, . or single backtick.
Arrows -n n = !, v, >, <
Primes x' reversed primes: x"; x = 1 … 3
Copyright/registered/section signs Co, Rg, SE ©, ®, §
Roman numbers nr and nR n = 19, a, b, c
Greek letters n* n = A, B …, a, b … Sigma (σ) is s*, final sigma (ς) is *s. Eta (η): y*). See also Bible Greek: the alphabet
Hebrew letters n+ n = A, B …. Shin (ש): Sh. Chet (ח): X+. Tet (ט): Tj, Tsadi (צ): ZJ. Ayin (ע): E+. Final form (ץ): Zj. The soffit forms (final letters) are formed with a % instead of a +.
Cyrillic letters n=, n% and others
Mathematics Not equal: =! (≠), almost equal: 2? (≈). Dot product («MIDDLE DOT») · (.M)
Check marks OK: ✓, XX: ✗
Currencies Ct, Eu, Li, Ye, Pt, W=, =R ¢, €, ₤, ¥, ₧, ₩, ₽
Musical Mn n=8: ♪ / n=2: ♫ / n=b: ♭ / n=x: ♮ / n=X: ♯
Dagger /- produces †, /= produces ‡.

Displaying digraph of a given character in a buffer

In order to reveal what digraph a character can be produced with, the cursor needs to be moved over that character and then the keyboard combination ga used. This shows the digraph in the status(?) line.

See also

vim - editing
VIM: src/digraph.c
digraphs are somewhat related to RFC 1345 Character Mnemonics and Character Sets.
The VIM digraph database
