Search notes: is a Python script that rudimentarily searches for regular expressions in files below a directory. (*The -r in the file name stands for recursively).
In the current version, only files with an .sql suffix are considered. This should of course be handled more flexible (see TODO below).
Contrary to grep, it does not print the entire line that mached but only the portion of the regular expression.
It is also different from grep in that it prints the filename of the matched string after the matched portion. This behaviour is so chosen in order to be able to pipe the result of into a program that sorts its input (such as shell command sort or Powershell's command sort-object).
import re
import os
import sys

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
   print('Expected: regular expression')

regexpText = sys.argv[1]

print('regexpText = ' + regexpText)

fileEncoding = 'latin1'
fileSuffix   = 'sql'

def findPattern(fileName, regexp):

    if 'archiv' in fileName.lower():

    with open(fileName, encoding=fileEncoding) as file:
         for line in file:
             match =

             if match:
                print('{:140s} {}'.format(, fileName))

def walkTree(under, regepx):

    for curDir, dirs, files in os.walk(under):
     #  - curDir: a string that contains the relative path to the «current» directory
     #  - dirs:   a list of strings, each of which is a directory name that is present
     #            in the «current» directory.
     #  - files:  a list of strings, each of which is a file name that is present
     #            in the «current» directory.

        depth = curDir.count(os.sep)

        for file in filter(lambda F: F.lower().endswith('.' + fileSuffix), files):
            findPattern(curDir + '/' + file, regexp)

regexp = re.compile(regexpText, re.I)
walkTree('.', regexp)
Github repository scripts-and-utilities, path: /


Of course, it should be possible to state the desired suffix to search for patterns on the command line.
How found matches are displayed should also be configurable from the command line.
The encoding of the searched files is currently hardcoded to latin1. This is probably less than desirable.

See also

Other Scripts
Python's standard library re
