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VBA statements

appActivate Activates the window with a given title (caption) or taks id.
beep Makes some noise, possibly in order to get the attention of a user.
call To enter (call) a sub, a function or a procedure in a DLL
chdir Specifies the new current working dir.
chdrive Specifies the new current drive.
close Closes an input or output file.
const Declares a constant value.
date Gets the current system date. Compare with time.
declare Used to locate and call functions in DLLs.
deleteSetting, saveSetting Deletes or writes an entry into the registry under the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings
deftype Specifies the default datatype at module level.
dim Declares variables and associates them with a datatype.
do … loop
end Ends some blocks (subs/functions, if statements etc). Compare with exit.
enum Declares an enumeration type.
erase Re-initializes the elements in an array.
error Simulates an error.
event Declares an event. See also raiseEvent
exit Exits some kind of block. Compare with end.
exit for
filecopy Copies a file.
for See also for each … next. TODO: for … next
for each Iterates over items in a array or a collection.
get Reads data from a file.
getattr, setattr Gets or sets a file's attributes (such as read only, hidden etc.)
gosub … return Calls a subroutine with a sub/function.
goto Similar to gosub but does not allow for a return statement.
if (if … then / if … then … else)
implements Used in connection with interfaces.
input# Reads from a file.
kill Deletes one or more file (with wildcards)
let Assigns a value to a variable. let is optional.
line input# Reads a line from a (text) file.
load and unload Loads or removes an object into/from memory.
lock, unlock
mid Replaces characters within (in the middle) of a string-variable.
mkdir Creates a directory.
name Renames files and directories.
on error Poor man's error handling
on...gosub, on...goto
open Open a file. See also reset.
option base Specifies the default number for the first element in an array
option compare Specifies how strings are compared: binary (case sensitive) or text (case insensitive).
option explicit Requires variables to be declared with dim.
option private
print # Writes to a file. Compare with put#
property get
property let
property set
public declares global variables.
put Writes to a file. Compare with print.
raiseEvent Raises an event (that was declared with event)
randomize Initializes the random number generator.
redim Re-dimensions an array.
rem Starts a comment (remark). The apostrophe can also be used instead.
reset Closes all files that were opened with open.
resume Resumes (normal?) control flow after an error was handled.
rmdir Removes a directory.
sendKeys Simulates typing into the active window
set Might call AddRef of the object's IUnknown.
static Declares a static value in a sub/function. Such variables keep their value across calls.
stop Stops execution (but does not end it).
time Gets the computer system time. Compare with date.
type Creates a user defined datatype.
while...wend Loop over a series of statements as long a given condition is true.
width #
write# writes machine-readable text to files.

See also

The colon (:) is the statement separator
VBA language
