Search notes:

VBA statement: const

The VBA statement const declares a constant value.
option explicit

const g_forty_two = 42

private const g_seven = 7
public  const g_five  = 5

' It is possible to assign a calculated value to
' a constant:
const calculated = g_seven * g_five

' However, it is not possible to assign a value to a
' constant as returned value from a function. The following
' statement would cause the error:
'      Constant expression required
' const anotherCalculated = someNumber()

' When declaring constants, their data type can be
' explicitely stated. Without declaring the datatype,
' the data type of the following constant would be integer:
const dataTypedConst as long = 10

sub main() ' {

   ' Constants, obviously, cannot be changed.
   ' The following statements would cause the error:
   '    Assignment to constant not permitted
   ' g_forty_two = 45
   ' g_seven = 9
   ' g_five  = 18

   debug.print ("Calculated = " & calculated)

   debug.print(typeName(g_seven       )) ' Integer
   debug.print(typeName(dataTypedConst)) ' Long

end sub ' }

function someNumber() ' {
    someNumber = 99
end function ' }
Github repository about-VBA, path: /language/statements/const.bas

See also

The dim statement.
VBA statements
