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Examples for Visual Basic for Application accessing the Windows API: VkKeyScanEx

VkKeyScanEx can be used to determine which keys a user has to type on his keyboard so that it results in a desired character. This is especially useful for characters that are obtained by a combination of the shift and another key.
This example needs the VBA declarations of the Windows API which can be found here.
option explicit

dim keyboardLayout as long

sub main() ' {

    keyboardLayout = GetKeyboardLayout(0)

    showCharInfo "c"
    showCharInfo "C"
    showCharInfo "="
    showCharInfo "+"
'   showCharInfo chr(1)

end sub ' }

sub showCharInfo(char as string) ' {

    dim keyScan as integer
    dim shift   as boolean
    dim ctrl    as boolean
    dim vkKey   as integer

    keyScan = VkKeyScanEx(asc(char), keyboardLayout)

    shift = keyScan and &h100
    ctrl  = keyScan and &h200
    vkKey = keyScan and &h0ff

    debug.print char & ": " + iif(shift, "shift ", "      ") + iif(ctrl, "ctrl ", "     ") & chr(vkKey) & " " & vkKey

end sub ' }
Github repository WinAPI-4-VBA, path: /examples/VkKeyScanEx.bas

See also

Other examples
