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Examples for Visual Basic for Application accessing the Windows API: SendInput

The following example uses The Win API function SendInput (and VkKeyScan) to simulte a user pressing Windows+R followed by notepad (so as to start notepad) and then pressing enter and then someText.
This example needs the VBA declarations of the Windows API which can be found here.
option explicit

dim keyInput()    as INPUT_
dim sizeINPUT     as long

sub main() ' {

    sizeINPUT = lenB(keyInput(0))

    call Windows_R()
    call Sleep(100)

    call pressAndRelease("notepad")
    call enter()

    call Sleep(200)

    pressAndRelease ("someText")

end sub ' }

sub Windows_R() ' {

    redim keyInput(0 to 3)

    keyInput(0).dwType  = INPUT_KEYBOARD
    keyInput(0).dwFlags = 0        ' Press key
    keyInput(0).wVK     = VK_LWIN

    keyInput(1).dwType  = INPUT_KEYBOARD
    keyInput(1).dwFlags = 0        ' Press key
    keyInput(1).wVK     = VkKeyScan(asc("r"))

    keyInput(2).dwType  = INPUT_KEYBOARD
    keyInput(2).dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP
    keyInput(2).wVK     = VkKeyScan(asc("r"))

    keyInput(3).dwType  = INPUT_KEYBOARD
    keyInput(3).dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP
    keyInput(3).wVK     = VK_LWIN
    call SendInput(4, keyInput(0), sizeINPUT)

end sub ' }

sub pressAndRelease(text as string) ' {

    dim c as string
    dim i as long
    redim keyInput(0 to len(text)*2 - 1)    as INPUT_

    for i = 0 to len(text) -1 ' {

        c = mid(text, i+1, 1)

        keyInput(i*2).dwType   = INPUT_KEYBOARD
        keyInput(i*2).dwFlags  = 0
        keyInput(i*2).wVK      = VkKeyScan(asc(c))

        keyInput(i*2+1).dwType   = INPUT_KEYBOARD
        keyInput(i*2+1).dwFlags  = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP
        keyInput(i*2+1).wVK      = VkKeyScan(asc(c))

    next i ' }

    call SendInput(i*2, keyInput(0), sizeINPUT)

end sub ' }

sub enter() ' {
    redim keyInput(0 to 1) '

    keyInput(0).dwType  = INPUT_KEYBOARD
    keyInput(0).dwFlags = 0        ' Press key
    keyInput(0).wVK     = VK_RETURN

    keyInput(1).dwType  = INPUT_KEYBOARD
    keyInput(1).dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP
    keyInput(1).wVK     = VK_RETURN

    call SendInput(2, keyInput(0), sizeINPUT)

end sub ' }
Github repository WinAPI-4-VBA, path: /examples/SendInput.bas

See also

Other examples
