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Examples for Visual Basic for Application accessing the Windows API: EnumWindows

The WinAPI function EnumWindows can be used to iterate over all windows. The function needs the address of a function that is called for each window until all windows are iterated over or the function returns false.
This callback function receives a windows handle (hWnd) of one of the windows of the system. hWnd can be used to further examine properties of the window. In the following example, hWnd is used to get the window text (GetWindowText) and the window's class name (GetClassName).
The example needs the VBA declarations of the Windows API which can be found here.
option explicit

global r as long

sub main()
    r = 1
    call EnumWindows(addressOf EnumWindowsProc, byVal 0&) 
end sub

function EnumWindowsProc(byVal hWnd as long, byVal lParam as long) as long ' {

    dim windowText  as string
    dim windowClass as string * 256
    dim retVal      as long
    dim l           as long

    cells(r, 1) = hWnd
    cells(r, 2) = GetParent(hWnd)
    windowText = space(GetWindowTextLength(hWnd) + 1)
    retVal     =       GetWindowText(hWnd, windowText, len(windowText))
    windowText = left$(windowText, retVal)
    cells(r, 3) = windowText

    retVal = GetClassName(hWnd, windowClass, 255)
    windowClass = left$(windowClass, retVal)
    cells(r, 4) = windowClass

    r = r + 1
  ' Return true to indicate that we want to continue
  ' with the enumeration of the windows:
    EnumWindowsProc = true

end function ' }
Github repository WinAPI-4-VBA, path: /examples/EnumWindows.bas

See also

Calling EnumWindows from C#
Other examples
