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Every element being plotted with matplotlib is represented by a class that inherits from the abstract base class matplotlib.artist.Artist.
In fact, Figure is the top level Artist object: it contains everything to be plotted.
Artist objects use matplotlib.backend_bases.Renderer objects to render data into a matplotlib.backend_bases.FigureCanvas (i. e. most, if not all, visible things in a plot is an Artist object).
There are two types of Artist objects:

Common properties

Every Artist object has the following properties:
alpha The transparency - a scalar from 0 … 1
animated A Boolean that is used to facilitate animated drawing
axes The Axes that the Artist lives in, possibly None
clip_box The bounding box that clips the Artist
clip_on Whether clipping is enabled
clip_path The path the artist is clipped to
contains A picking function to test whether the artist contains the pick point
figure The figure instance the artist lives in, possibly None
label A text label (e.g., for auto-labeling)
picker A python object that controls object picking
transform The transformation (used to change the coordinate system). See also the transFigure property of the Figure object.
visible A boolean whether the artist should be drawn
zorder Arawing order (number)
rasterized A Boolean, specifying if vectors are turned into raster graphics (for compression & EPS transparency)

Accessing and modifying properties

ax.get_alpha(), ax.set_alpha(a), ax.set(alpha=0.5, zorder=2).
List all properties (for example when working interactively): matplotlib.artist.getp(ax) (or simply getp() in pyplot).
Apparently, there are plans to get rid of old fashined getters and setters in favor of properties or traits.

See also

matplotlib.artist.ArtistInspector allows to inspect Artist objects.
