Search notes:

SQL Server: Hints

SQL Server distinguishes between three types of hints:
Query hints Query hints influence select, insert, update, delete and merge statements and are specified as part of the option clause.
Join hints A join hint specifies the join strategy between two tables in select, delete and update statements.
Table hints

Query hint

[HASH | ORDER] GROUP Whether distinct values in group by and distinct clauses should be determined calculating a hash or by sorting them
[CONCAT | HASH | MERGE] UNION How equal records of union statements are deteremined
[LOOP | MERGE | HASH] JOIN Specifies that all join operations of a query are performed with the same strategy. Compare with with join hints which allow to specify different strategies when joining multiple tables.
EXPAND VIEWS Expand indexed views.
FAST n Optimize for fast retrieval of the first n records. Compare with Oracle's first_rows hint.
FORCE ORDER Preserve the join order specified in the from clause of the SQL statement. Compare with Oracle's ordered hint.
[FORCE | DISABLE] EXTERNALPUSHDOWN Force/disable the pushdown of the computation of qualifying expressions in Hadoop. Only applies to PolyBase, has no effect on Azure Storage.
KEEP PLAN Relax estimated recompile threshold for a query. (The threshold determines when an automatic query-recompilation takes place because of a change of the number of indexed columns in DML queries)
KEEPFIXED PLAN Do not recompile a plan even if statistics have changed. With keepfixed plan, a query is only recompiled if the schema of the underlying tables changes or if sp_recompile is executed against these tables.
MAX_GRANT_PERCENT|MIN_GRANT_PERCENT = n Maximum/minimum granted memory as percentage of configured memory limit (n = 0 … 100)
MAXDOP <integer_value> Override the maximum degree of parallelism (see sp_configure). Setting this value to 0 lets SQL Server choose the max degree of the parallelism.
MAXRECURSION n Maximum number of recursion that is allowed for the query. (Probably useful in conjunction with the with common table expressions).
OPTIMIZE FOR (@var { UNKNOWN | = <literal_constant> } [ , …n ] ) Optimize the query for a specified value for the variable @var. UNKNOWN lets SQL server use statistical data instead of the initial data.
OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN Use average selectivity for predicates.
RECOMPILE Create a new and temporary plan just for the execution of the given SQL statement.
USE HINT ( hint-name [ , …n ] ) Provide additional hints which are specified by hint-name.
USE PLAN N'<xml_plan>'
TABLE HINT ( <exposed_object_name> [ , <table_hint> [ [, ]...n ] ] )

Join hint

A join hint specifies the algorithm with which the data of two tables is joined.
select … from tab_L [outer|inner] HASH   join tab_R …
select … from tab_L [outer|inner] LOOP   join tab_R …
select … from tab_L [outer|inner] MERGE  join tab_R …
select … from tab_L       [inner] REMOTE join tab_R …

Remote join

A remote join hint specifies that the join is performed on the site where tab_R is located.
A remote join hint should only be used if tab_L has fewer rows than tab_R.

Table hints

NOEXPAND [ , INDEX ( <index_value> [, …n ] ) | INDEX = ( <index_value> ) ] Do not expand indexed views to access underlying tables.
INDEX( <index_value> [, …n ] ) | INDEX = ( <index_value> ) Use the specified index when accessing table data. For non clustered tables, index(0) forces a full table scan.
FORCESEEK [ ( <index_value> ( <index_column_name> [,... ] ) ) ]
KEEPIDENTITY Specifies that identity values of an imported data file should be used for identity columns. Applicable for insert statements when bulk option is used with openrowset.
KEEPDEFAULTS Inserts a column's default values if inserted value is null. Applicable for insert statements when bulk option is used with openrowset.
NOWAIT Equivalent to specifying set lock_timeout 0 for a specific table. Has no effect in combiantion with tablock.
SPATIAL_WINDOW_MAX_CELLS = <integer_value>
TABLOCK Acquire a lock on table level. The type of lock depends on the statement.
TABLOCKX Take an exclusive lock on the table. Compare with XLOCK.
XLOCK Take an exclusive lock on the table and hold it until the transaction finishes. Compare with TABLOCKX.
   tab_xyz WITH (tablock)
   tab_xyz WITH (tablock, index(tab_xyz_ix)

See also

