Search notes:

SQL Server: sys.sysobjects


The following statement joins sys.sysobjects with master..spt_values in order to find more meaningful object type names than those that are provided by the xtype column.
-- obj.xtype,
-- obj.type,     -- type seems to be always equal to xtype,
   substring(, 5, len(  spt_name,
   sys.sysobjects     obj                                         left join
   master..spt_values spt on like obj.xtype + '%' and
                             spt.type = 'O9T'
-- where
-- = 'sysobjects'
Github repository about-MSSQL, path: /administration/schemas/sys/objects/views/sysobjects/join.sql

xtype = 'S'

A value of 'S' in xtype indicates a system base table.


The definition of sys.sysobjects is (sp_helptext 'sp_helptext'):
CREATE VIEW sys.sysobjects AS
	SELECT name, 
		xtype = type collate catalog_default,
		uid = convert(smallint, nsid),
		info = convert(smallint, 0),
		status = convert(int, 0),
		base_schema_ver = convert(int, 0),
		replinfo = convert(int, 0),
		parent_obj = pid,
		crdate = created,
		ftcatid = convert(smallint, 
			case type when 'U' then OBJECTPROPERTY(id, 'TableFulltextCatalogId')
			else 0 end),
		schema_ver = convert(int, 0),
		stats_schema_ver = convert(int, 0),
		type = convert(char(2), 
			case type when 'UQ' then 'K' when 'PK' then 'K' when 'ET' then 'U'
			else type collate catalog_default end),
		userstat = convert(smallint, 
			case type when 'S' then 1 when 'U' then 1 when 'ET' then 1
			else 0 end),
		sysstat = convert(smallint, 
			case type when 'S' then 1 when 'V' then 2 when 'U' then 3 when 'P' then 4 when 'RF' then 4
			when 'X' then 4 when 'D' then 6 when 'R' then 7 when 'TR' then 8
			when 'PK' then 9 when 'UQ' then 9 when 'C' then 10 when 'F' then 11
			else 0 end),
		indexdel = convert(smallint, 0),
		refdate = created,
		version = convert(int, 0),
		deltrig = convert(int,
			case type when 'U' then OBJECTPROPERTY(id,'TableDeleteTrigger')
			when 'TR' then pid else 0 end),
		instrig = convert(int, 
			case type when 'U' then OBJECTPROPERTY(id,'TableInsertTrigger')
			else 0 end),
		updtrig = convert(int,
			case type when 'U' then OBJECTPROPERTY(id,'TableUpdateTrigger')
			else 0 end),
		seltrig = convert(int, 0),
		category = convert(int, 
			case when type = 'D' and pid <> 0 then 2048 
			else 0 end
			case when type = 'P' and (status & 256) <> 0 then 16 
			else 0 end -- is_auto_executed
			+ (status & 1)*2 + (status & 16)*2), -- is_ms_shipped * 2 + is_published * 32
		cache = convert(smallint, 0)
	FROM sys.sysschobjs$
	WHERE nsclass = 0 -- x_eonc_Standard
	AND pclass = 1 -- x_eunc_Object
	AND has_access('MO', id) = 1

See also

SQL Server: comparison of object views
