Search notes:

SQL Server: system base tables

The system base tables reside in the sys schema. Most of the base tables are found in all databases, but some are only in the master database.
A list of these tables can be queried from sys.sysobjects:
select *
   xtype = 'S'
order by
A dedicated administrator connection is needed to be able to select from them.
In master only?
sysallocunits Storage allocation units
sysasymkeys Asymmetric keys
sysaudacts ?
sysbinobjs Service Broker entities
sysbinsubobjs ?
sysbrickfiles ?
syscerts Certificates
syschildinsts ?
sysclones ?
sysclsobjs Classified entities
syscolpars Column names of tables, views and table-valued functions as well as parameter names of stored procedures and functions.
syscompfragments ?
sysconvgroup Sservice instance in Service Broker.
syscscolsegments ?
syscsdictionaries ?
syscsrowgroups ?
sysdbfiles ?
sysdbfrag ?
sysdbreg Registered databases
sysdercv Receiving endpoints of a Service Broker conversation
sysdesend Sending endpoints of a Service Broker conversation
sysendpts Endpoint created in the server.
sysextendedrecoveryforks ?
sysextfileformats ?
sysextsources ?
sysexttables ?
sysfgfrag ?
sysfiles1 lists the physical files for a database.
sysfoqueues ?
sysfos ?
sysftinds Full-text indeces
sysftproperties ?
sysftsemanticsdb ?
sysftstops ?
sysguidrefs GUIDs classified ID reference.
sysidxstats Index statistics (tables and indexed views)
sysiscols Persisted indices and statistics columns
syslnklgns Linked login mapping, used by remote procedure calls and distributed queries that emanate from a local server out to a corresponding linked server.
syslogshippers Database mirroring witnesses
sysmatrixageforget ?
sysmatrixages ?
sysmatrixbricks ?
sysmatrixconfig ?
sysmatrixmanagers ?
sysmultiobjrefs general N-to-N references
sysmultiobjvalues ?
sysnsobjs Namespace-scoped entities, used to store XML collection entities.
sysobjkeycrypts Symmetric keys, encryption or cryptographic property associated with an object.
sysobjvalues general value properties of entities
sysowners Each row represents a database principal.
syspalnames (?) This table is a bit of a mystery to me. It is not found in the sys.sysobjects view, however, I can select from this object name. ?
sysphfg ?
syspriorities ?
sysprivs Database- or server-level permissions. (Server-level permissions are stored in the master database).
syspru ?
sysqnames Namespace or qualified name to a 4-byte ID token.
sysremsvcbinds Remote service bindings
sysrmtlgns Remote login mappings, used to map incoming logins that claim to be coming from a corresponding server to an actual local login.
sysrowsetrefs Indeces to rowset references
sysrowsets Partition rowsets for an index or a heap
sysrscols ?
sysrts ?
sysscalartypes Types (user-defined and system types)
sysschobjs Objects in a database
sysseobjvalues ?
syssingleobjrefs general N-to-1 references
syssoftobjrefs ?
syssqlguides ?
systypedsubobjs Typed subentities (currently only parameters for partition functions)
sysusermsgs User-defined error messages
syswebmethods SOAP-methods defined on a SOAP-enabled HTTP endpoint that is created in the server.
sysxlgns Server principals
sysxmitbody ?
sysxmitqueue Service Broker transmission queues
sysxmlcomponent XML schema components
sysxmlfacet XML facets (restriction) of XML type definition
sysxmlplacement XML placements for XML components.
sysxprops Extended properties
sysxsrvs Lists local, linked and remote servers

Dollar ($) suffix

Apparently, such system base tables can also be queried with a dollar ($) suffix. The following two SQL Statements return nothing:
select * from sys.sysschobjs$ except
select * from sys.sysschobjs;
select * from sys.sysschobjs except
select * from sys.sysschobjs$;
