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Oracle: Adaptive query optimization

Adaptive query optimization complements using statistics when generating an optimal plan to execute an SQL statement.
The two main areas of adaptive query optimization are
With adaptive SQL plans, the statement executor can adjust an SQL execution plan at run-time. Areas where such adaptions are possible include
Adaptive statistics deals with
The optimizer chooses an adaptive plan when the SQL statement's joins and predicates reach a level of complexity that make an accurate cardinality estimation difficult if not impossible.
In such a case, the optimizer injects a statistics collector operation into its chosen plan.
In order to see all operations of an adaptive plan with xplan.display_cursor, the format parameter must include adaptive:
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(format => 'adaptive'));
Adaptive plan generation can be turned of using opt_param hint like so: opt_param('_optimizer_adaptive_plans', 'false').

See also

The STATISTICS COLLECTOR plan operation.
