Search notes:

Constraints (Oracle)

Unique Makes sure that there are no duplicate values. Unlike primary keys, a unique constraint allows null values to be inserted.
Check The check constraint makes sure that the values of a column adheres to the conditions set forth in the constraint.
Not null The not null constraint is a special check conststraint that prevents a value from being null.
Primary key Is a combination of a not null and unique constraints
Foreign key Makes sure that the values are present in a corresponding primary key
It should be noted that primary-foreign key relationships are not reflected in the data dictionary view all_constraints.


Drop child table

create table tq84_table_parent (
   id  number primary key,
   tx  varchar2(10)

create table tq84_table_child  (
   id_parent references tq84_table_parent,
   tx  varchar2(10)

select count(*) || ' constraints found' from user_constraints where table_name = 'TQ84_TABLE_CHILD';

drop table tq84_table_parent cascade constraints purge;

desc tq84_table_child;

select count(*) || ' constraints found' from user_constraints where table_name = 'TQ84_TABLE_CHILD';

drop table tq84_table_child purge;
See also the cascade constraints clause of the drop table statement.

NOT NULL, not unique

A not null constraints prevents a column value from being null.
create table tq84_not_null_non_unique (
  col_1     number,
  col_2     varchar2(10),
  col_3     varchar2(10),
  constraint tq84_not_null_non_unique_uq unique (col_1, col_2)

insert into tq84_not_null_non_unique values (   1, 'one' , 'uno'   );
insert into tq84_not_null_non_unique values (null, 'null', 'niente');
insert into tq84_not_null_non_unique values (   0,  null , 'niente');
insert into tq84_not_null_non_unique values (   1,  null , 'foo'   );
insert into tq84_not_null_non_unique values (null, 'NULL', 'bar'   );
insert into tq84_not_null_non_unique values (null,  null , 'baz'   );
insert into tq84_not_null_non_unique values (null,  null , 'baz 2' );

drop table tq84_not_null_non_unique purge;

See also

An SQL statement to recursively query referential integrity dependencies.
The SQL clause exceptions into
The cons.sql SQL script displays information about a constraint.
The data dictionary lists constraints in dba_constraints and the respective columns in dba_cons_columns.
The constraint type is recorded in the column constraint_type in dba_contstraints.
The set constraints statement.
Deferrable constraints
alter session set constraints = [ immediate | deferred | default ];
