Search notes:

Oracle: CHECK constraint

A check constraint makes sure that the values of a column adhere to some basic rules which are formulated with SQL expressions.
Create a table with constraints on columns:
create table tq84_checked_columns (
   num  integer        check (num between 0 and 1e5)   not null,
   txt  varchar2(42)   check (length(txt) > 5      )           ,
   dat  date           check (dat = trunc(dat)     )
Insert two records:
insert into tq84_checked_columns values (42, null, null);
insert into tq84_checked_columns values (99, 'hello world', date '2021-05-13');
The following insert statement throws ORA-02290: check constraint (RENE.SYS_C0023376) violated:
insert into tq84_checked_columns values ( 4, 'four'       , date '2023-04-03');
Find violated expression in user_constraints:
select search_condition from user_constraints where constraint_name = 'SYS_C0023376';
-- length(txt) > 5    

Using better named constraints

It's possible to name check constraints with more meaningful names than the system generated ones (SYS_…):
create table tq84_checked_columns (
   num  integer        constraint chk_num check (num between 0 and 1e5)   not null,
   txt  varchar2(42)   constraint chk_txt check (length(txt) > 5      )           ,
   dat  date           constraint chk_dat check (dat = trunc(dat)     )
With «better» named constraints, when an ORA-02290 occurs, the source of the error becomes clearer more rapidly:
insert into tq84_checked_columns values (4, 'four', date '2023-04-03');
-- ORA-02290: check constraint (RENE.CHK_TXT) violated

See also

The error messages
The column search_condition in dba_constraints.
A not null constraint can be considered a special kind of check constraint.
