Search notes:

Oracle: V$SQL_HINT

v$sql_hint lists hint.
The following query joins v$sql_hint to v$sql_feature.
  lower(shi.class      ) hint_class,
  lower(       ) hint_name,
  lower(shi.inverse    ) inverse_hint_name,
  fea.description        description,
  lower(shi.sql_feature) feature
  v$sql_hint     shi                                      left join
  v$sql_feature  fea on shi.sql_feature = fea.sql_feature
order by
-- access                        and_equal                                                       Index and-equal access path                   qksfm_and_equal
-- access                        bitmap_tree                                                     Bitmap tree access path                       qksfm_bitmap_tree
-- access                        cluster                                                         SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- access                        full                                                            Full table scan                               qksfm_full
-- access                        hash                                                            A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- access                        index                           no_index                        Index                                         qksfm_index
-- access                        index_asc                       no_index                        Index (ascending)                             qksfm_index_asc
-- access                        index_combine                                                   Combine index for bitmap access               qksfm_index_combine
-- access                        index_desc                      no_index                        Use index (descending)                        qksfm_index_desc
-- access                        index_ffs                                                       Index fast full scan                          qksfm_index_ffs
-- access                        index_join                                                      Index join                                    qksfm_index_join
-- access                        index_rrs                                                       SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- access                        index_rs_asc                                                    Index range scan                              qksfm_index_rs_asc
-- access                        index_rs_desc                                                   Index range scan descending                   qksfm_index_rs_desc
-- access                        index_ss                        no_index_ss                     Index skip scan                               qksfm_index_ss
-- access                        index_ss_asc                    no_index_ss                     Index skip scan ascending                     qksfm_index_ss_asc
-- access                        index_ss_desc                   no_index_ss                     Index skip scan descending                    qksfm_index_ss_desc
-- access                        nlj_batching                    no_nlj_batching                 SQL EXECUTION                                 qksfm_execution
-- access                        nlj_prefetch                    no_nlj_prefetch                 SQL EXECUTION                                 qksfm_execution
-- access                        no_nlj_batching                 nlj_batching                    SQL EXECUTION                                 qksfm_execution
-- access                        no_nlj_prefetch                 nlj_prefetch                    SQL EXECUTION                                 qksfm_execution
-- access                        num_index_keys                                                  SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- access                        queue_curr                                                      SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- access                        queue_rowp                                                      SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- access                        rowid                                                           SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- antijoin                      antijoin                                                        Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- antijoin                      hash_aj                                                         SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- antijoin                      merge_aj                                                        SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- antijoin                      nl_aj                                                           SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- append                        append                          noappend                        SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- append                        noappend                        append                          SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- append_values                 append_values                   noappend                        SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- bind_aware                    bind_aware                      no_bind_aware                   Cursor sharing                                qksfm_cursor_sharing
-- bind_aware                    no_bind_aware                   bind_aware                      Cursor sharing                                qksfm_cursor_sharing
-- bitmap                        bitmap                                                          SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- buffer                        buffer                          no_buffer                       SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- buffer                        no_buffer                       buffer                          SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- bypass_recursive_check        bypass_recursive_check                                          A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- bypass_ujvc                   bypass_ujvc                                                     SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- cache                         cache                           nocache                         SQL EXECUTION                                 qksfm_execution
-- cache                         cache_temp_table                nocache                         A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- cache                         nocache                         cache                           SQL EXECUTION                                 qksfm_execution
-- cache_cb                      cache_cb                        nocache                         SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- cardinality                   cardinality                                                     Optimizer statistics                          qksfm_stats
-- change_dupkey_error_index     change_dupkey_error_index                                       DML                                           qksfm_dml
-- check_acl_rewrite             check_acl_rewrite               no_check_acl_rewrite            Check ACL Rewrite                             qksfm_check_acl_rewrite
-- coalesce_sq                   coalesce_sq                     no_coalesce_sq                  coalesce subqueries                           qksfm_coalesce_sq
-- coalesce_sq                   no_coalesce_sq                  coalesce_sq                     coalesce subqueries                           qksfm_coalesce_sq
-- connect_by_cb_whr_only        connect_by_cb_whr_only          no_connect_by_cb_whr_only       Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- connect_by_cb_whr_only        no_connect_by_cb_whr_only       connect_by_cb_whr_only          Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- connect_by_combine_sw         connect_by_combine_sw           no_connect_by_combine_sw        A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- connect_by_combine_sw         no_connect_by_combine_sw        connect_by_combine_sw           A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- connect_by_cost_based         connect_by_cost_based           no_connect_by_cost_based        Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- connect_by_cost_based         no_connect_by_cost_based        connect_by_cost_based           Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- connect_by_elim_dups          connect_by_elim_dups            no_connect_by_elim_dups         A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- connect_by_elim_dups          no_connect_by_elim_dups         connect_by_elim_dups            A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- connect_by_filtering          connect_by_filtering            no_connect_by_filtering         A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- connect_by_filtering          no_connect_by_filtering         connect_by_filtering            A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- cost_xml_query_rewrite        cost_xml_query_rewrite          no_cost_xml_query_rewrite       Cost Based XML Query Rewrite                  qksfm_cost_xml_query_rewrite
-- cpu_costing                   cpu_costing                     no_cpu_costing                  CPU costing                                   qksfm_cpu_costing
-- cpu_costing                   no_cpu_costing                  cpu_costing                     CPU costing                                   qksfm_cpu_costing
-- cube_gb                       cube_gb                                                         SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- cursor_sharing_exact          cursor_sharing_exact                                            SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- dbms_stats                    dbms_stats                                                      Statistics gathered by DBMS_STATS             qksfm_dbms_stats
-- db_version                    db_version                                                      A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- deref_no_rewrite              deref_no_rewrite                                                A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- dml_update                    dml_update                                                      SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- domain_index_filter           domain_index_filter             no_domain_index_filter          SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- domain_index_sort             domain_index_no_sort            domain_index_sort               SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- domain_index_sort             domain_index_sort               domain_index_no_sort            SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- driving_site                  driving_site                                                    A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- dst_upgrade_insert_conv       dst_upgrade_insert_conv         no_dst_upgrade_insert_conv      A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- dst_upgrade_insert_conv       no_dst_upgrade_insert_conv      dst_upgrade_insert_conv         A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- dynamic_sampling              dynamic_sampling                                                Dynamic sampling                              qksfm_dynamic_sampling
-- dynamic_sampling_est_cdn      dynamic_sampling_est_cdn                                        Estimate CDN using dynamic sampling           qksfm_dynamic_sampling_est_cdn
-- eliminate_join                eliminate_join                  no_eliminate_join               Table Elimination                             qksfm_table_elim
-- eliminate_join                no_eliminate_join               eliminate_join                  Table Elimination                             qksfm_table_elim
-- eliminate_oby                 eliminate_oby                   no_eliminate_oby                Order-by Elimination                          qksfm_obye
-- eliminate_oby                 no_eliminate_oby                eliminate_oby                   Order-by Elimination                          qksfm_obye
-- expand_gset_to_union          expand_gset_to_union            no_expand_gset_to_union         Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- expand_gset_to_union          no_expand_gset_to_union         expand_gset_to_union            Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- expand_table                  expand_table                    no_expand_table                 Table Expansion                               qksfm_table_expansion
-- expand_table                  no_expand_table                 expand_table                    Table Expansion                               qksfm_table_expansion
-- expr_corr_check               expr_corr_check                                                 SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- fact                          fact                            no_fact                         Star Transformation                           qksfm_star_trans
-- fact                          no_fact                         fact                            Star Transformation                           qksfm_star_trans
-- factorize_join                factorize_join                  no_factorize_join               Join Factorization                            qksfm_joinfac
-- factorize_join                no_factorize_join               factorize_join                  Join Factorization                            qksfm_joinfac
-- fbtscan                       fbtscan                                                         SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- force_xml_query_rewrite       force_xml_query_rewrite         no_xml_query_rewrite            XML Rewrite                                   qksfm_xml_rewrite
-- force_xml_query_rewrite       no_xml_query_rewrite            force_xml_query_rewrite         XML Rewrite                                   qksfm_xml_rewrite
-- full_outer_join_to_outer      full_outer_join_to_outer        no_full_outer_join_to_outer     SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- full_outer_join_to_outer      no_full_outer_join_to_outer     full_outer_join_to_outer        SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- gather_plan_statistics        gather_plan_statistics                                          Gather plan statistics                        qksfm_gather_plan_statistics
-- gby_conc_rollup               gby_conc_rollup                                                 Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- gby_pushdown                  gby_pushdown                    no_gby_pushdown                 A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- gby_pushdown                  no_gby_pushdown                 gby_pushdown                    A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- hwm_brokered                  hwm_brokered                                                    SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- ignore_optim_embedded_hints   ignore_optim_embedded_hints                                     A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- ignore_row_on_dupkey_index    ignore_row_on_dupkey_index                                      DML                                           qksfm_dml
-- ignore_where_clause           ignore_where_clause                                             A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- include_version               include_version                                                 A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- inline                        inline                          materialize                     Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- inline                        materialize                     inline                          Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- inline_xmltype_nt             inline_xmltype_nt                                               A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- join                          use_hash                        no_use_hash                     Hash join                                     qksfm_use_hash
-- join                          use_merge                       no_use_merge                    Sort-merge join                               qksfm_use_merge
-- join                          use_merge_cartesian                                             Merge join cartesian                          qksfm_use_merge_cartesian
-- join                          use_nl                          no_use_nl                       Nested-loop join                              qksfm_use_nl
-- leading                       leading                                                         Join order                                    qksfm_join_order
-- like_expand                   like_expand                                                     Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- local_indexes                 local_indexes                                                   SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- merge                         merge                           no_merge                        Complex View Merging                          qksfm_cvm
-- merge                         no_merge                        merge                           Complex View Merging                          qksfm_cvm
-- merge_const_on                merge_const_on                                                  SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- mode                          all_rows                                                        All rows (optimizer mode)                     qksfm_all_rows
-- mode                          choose                                                          Choose (optimizer mode)                       qksfm_choose
-- mode                          first_rows                                                      First rows (optimizer mode)                   qksfm_first_rows
-- mode                          rule                                                            SQL Rule Based Optimization                   qksfm_rbo
-- model_compile_subquery        model_compile_subquery                                          Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- model_dontverify_uniqueness   model_dontverify_uniqueness                                     Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- model_dynamic_subquery        model_dynamic_subquery                                          Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- model_min_analysis            model_min_analysis                                              Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- model_min_analysis            model_no_analysis                                               A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- model_push_ref                model_push_ref                  no_model_push_ref               Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- model_push_ref                no_model_push_ref               model_push_ref                  A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- monitor                       monitor                         no_monitor                      A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- monitor                       no_monitor                      monitor                         A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- mv_merge                      mv_merge                                                        Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- native_full_outer_join        native_full_outer_join          no_native_full_outer_join       A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- native_full_outer_join        no_native_full_outer_join       native_full_outer_join          A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- nested_table_fast_insert      nested_table_fast_insert                                        A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- nested_table_get_refs         nested_table_get_refs                                           A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- nested_table_set_setid        nested_table_set_setid                                          A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- no_access                     no_access                                                       A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- no_cartesian                  no_cartesian                                                    A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- no_check_acl_rewrite          no_check_acl_rewrite            check_acl_rewrite               Check ACL Rewrite                             qksfm_check_acl_rewrite
-- no_cost_xml_query_rewrite     no_cost_xml_query_rewrite       cost_xml_query_rewrite          Cost Based XML Query Rewrite                  qksfm_cost_xml_query_rewrite
-- no_domain_index_filter        no_domain_index_filter          domain_index_filter             SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- no_index                      no_index                        index                           Index                                         qksfm_index
-- no_index_ffs                  no_index_ffs                    index_ffs                       Index fast full scan                          qksfm_index_ffs
-- no_index_ss                   no_index_ss                     index_ss                        Index skip scan                               qksfm_index_ss
-- no_load                       no_load                                                         SQL EXECUTION                                 qksfm_execution
-- no_monitoring                 no_monitoring                                                   A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- no_order_rollups              no_order_rollups                                                Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- no_partial_commit             no_partial_commit                                               SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- no_prune_gsets                no_prune_gsets                                                  Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- no_qkn_buff                   no_qkn_buff                                                     SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- no_query_transformation       no_query_transformation                                         Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- no_sql_tune                   no_sql_tune                                                     A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- no_stats_gsets                no_stats_gsets                                                  A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- no_substrb_pad                no_substrb_pad                                                  SQL EXECUTION                                 qksfm_execution
-- no_use_hash                   no_use_hash                     use_hash                        Hash join                                     qksfm_use_hash
-- no_use_merge                  no_use_merge                    use_merge                       Sort-merge join                               qksfm_use_merge
-- no_use_nl                     no_use_nl                       use_nl                          Nested-loop join                              qksfm_use_nl
-- no_xml_dml_rewrite            no_xml_dml_rewrite                                              XML Rewrite                                   qksfm_xml_rewrite
-- old_push_pred                 old_push_pred                                                   Old push predicate algorithm (pre-   qksfm_old_push_pred
-- opaque_transform              opaque_transform                                                Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- opaque_xcanonical             opaque_xcanonical                                               Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- opt_estimate                  opt_estimate                                                    Optimizer estimates                           qksfm_opt_estimate
-- optimizer_features_enable     optimizer_features_enable                                       A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- opt_param                     opt_param                                                       A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- ordered                       ordered                                                         SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- ordered_predicates            ordered_predicates                                              SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- or_expand                     or_expand                                                       OR expansion                                  qksfm_or_expand
-- outer_join_to_anti            no_outer_join_to_anti           outer_join_to_anti              SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- outer_join_to_anti            outer_join_to_anti              no_outer_join_to_anti           SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- outer_join_to_inner           no_outer_join_to_inner          outer_join_to_inner             Join Conversion                               qksfm_outer_join_to_inner
-- outer_join_to_inner           outer_join_to_inner             no_outer_join_to_inner          Join Conversion                               qksfm_outer_join_to_inner
-- outline                       outline                                                         A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- outline_leaf                  outline_leaf                                                    A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- overflow_nomove               overflow_nomove                                                 SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- parallel_index                no_parallel_index               parallel_index                  Parallel Query                                qksfm_pq
-- parallel_index                parallel_index                  no_parallel_index               Parallel Query                                qksfm_pq
-- piv_gb                        piv_gb                                                          A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- piv_gb                        tiv_gb                                                          A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- piv_ssf                       piv_ssf                                                         A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- piv_ssf                       tiv_ssf                                                         A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- place_distinct                no_place_distinct               place_distinct                  Distinct Placement                            qksfm_dist_plcmt
-- place_distinct                place_distinct                  no_place_distinct               Distinct Placement                            qksfm_dist_plcmt
-- place_group_by                no_place_group_by               place_group_by                  Group-By Placement                            qksfm_place_group_by
-- place_group_by                place_group_by                  no_place_group_by               Group-By Placement                            qksfm_place_group_by
-- pq_distribute                 pq_distribute                                                   PQ Distribution method                        qksfm_pq_distribute
-- pq_map                        pq_map                          pq_nomap                        PQ slave mapper                               qksfm_pq_map
-- pq_map                        pq_nomap                        pq_map                          PQ slave mapper                               qksfm_pq_map
-- precompute_subquery           precompute_subquery                                             Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- preserve_oid                  preserve_oid                                                    A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- pull_pred                     no_pull_pred                    pull_pred                       pull predicates                               qksfm_pull_pred
-- pull_pred                     pull_pred                       no_pull_pred                    pull predicates                               qksfm_pull_pred
-- push_pred                     no_push_pred                    push_pred                       Push filter predicates                        qksfm_filter_push_pred
-- push_pred                     push_pred                       no_push_pred                    Push filter predicates                        qksfm_filter_push_pred
-- push_subq                     no_push_subq                    push_subq                       Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- push_subq                     push_subq                       no_push_subq                    Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- px_join_filter                no_px_join_filter               px_join_filter                  Bloom filtering for joins                     qksfm_px_join_filter
-- px_join_filter                px_join_filter                  no_px_join_filter               Bloom filtering for joins                     qksfm_px_join_filter
-- qb_name                       qb_name                                                         A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- rbo_outline                   rbo_outline                                                     SQL Rule Based Optimization                   qksfm_rbo
-- ref_cascade_cursor            no_ref_cascade                  ref_cascade_cursor              SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- ref_cascade_cursor            ref_cascade_cursor              no_ref_cascade                  SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- remote_mapped                 remote_mapped                                                   A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- restore_as_intervals          restore_as_intervals                                            SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- restrict_all_ref_cons         restrict_all_ref_cons                                           A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- result_cache                  no_result_cache                 result_cache                    SQL EXECUTION                                 qksfm_execution
-- result_cache                  result_cache                    no_result_cache                 SQL EXECUTION                                 qksfm_execution
-- retry_on_row_change           retry_on_row_change                                             DML                                           qksfm_dml
-- rewrite                       no_basetable_multimv_rewrite    rewrite                         A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- rewrite                       no_multimv_rewrite              rewrite                         A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- rewrite                       no_rewrite                      rewrite                         Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- rewrite                       rewrite                         no_rewrite                      Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- rewrite                       rewrite_or_error                                                Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- save_as_intervals             save_as_intervals                                               SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- scn_ascending                 scn_ascending                                                   A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- semijoin                      hash_sj                                                         SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- semijoin                      merge_sj                                                        SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- semijoin                      nl_sj                                                           SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- semijoin                      no_semijoin                     semijoin                        Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- semijoin                      semijoin                        no_semijoin                     Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- semijoin_driver               semijoin_driver                                                 SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- set_to_join                   no_set_to_join                  set_to_join                     Transform set operations to joins             qksfm_set_to_join
-- set_to_join                   set_to_join                     no_set_to_join                  Transform set operations to joins             qksfm_set_to_join
-- shared                        no_parallel                     shared                          SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- shared                        noparallel                      shared                          Parallel table                                qksfm_parallel
-- shared                        shared                          no_parallel                     Parallel table                                qksfm_parallel
-- skip_ext_optimizer            skip_ext_optimizer                                              SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- skip_unq_unusable_idx         skip_unq_unusable_idx                                           SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- sqlldr                        sqlldr                                                          SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- star                          star                                                            Star Transformation                           qksfm_star_trans
-- star_transformation           no_star_transformation          star_transformation             Star Transformation                           qksfm_star_trans
-- star_transformation           star_transformation             no_star_transformation          Star Transformation                           qksfm_star_trans
-- statement_queuing             no_statement_queuing            statement_queuing               Parallel table                                qksfm_parallel
-- statement_queuing             statement_queuing               no_statement_queuing            Parallel table                                qksfm_parallel
-- streams                       streams                                                         SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- subquery_pruning              no_subquery_pruning             subquery_pruning                SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- subquery_pruning              subquery_pruning                no_subquery_pruning             SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- swap_join_inputs              no_swap_join_inputs             swap_join_inputs                SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- swap_join_inputs              swap_join_inputs                no_swap_join_inputs             SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- sys_dl_cursor                 sys_dl_cursor                                                   SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- sys_parallel_txn              sys_parallel_txn                                                SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- sys_rid_order                 sys_rid_order                                                   A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- table_lookup_by_nl            no_table_lookup_by_nl           table_lookup_by_nl              Table Lookup By Nested Loop                   qksfm_table_lookup_by_nl
-- table_lookup_by_nl            table_lookup_by_nl              no_table_lookup_by_nl           Table Lookup By Nested Loop                   qksfm_table_lookup_by_nl
-- table_stats                   column_stats                                                    Optimizer statistics                          qksfm_stats
-- table_stats                   index_stats                                                     Optimizer statistics                          qksfm_stats
-- table_stats                   table_stats                                                     Optimizer statistics                          qksfm_stats
-- tracing                       tracing                                                         SQL EXECUTION                                 qksfm_execution
-- transform_distinct_agg        no_transform_distinct_agg       transform_distinct_agg          Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- transform_distinct_agg        transform_distinct_agg          no_transform_distinct_agg       Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- unnest                        no_unnest                       unnest                          unnest query block                            qksfm_unnest
-- unnest                        unnest                          no_unnest                       unnest query block                            qksfm_unnest
-- use_anti                      use_anti                                                        SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- use_concat                    no_expand                       use_concat                      Or-optimization                               qksfm_use_concat
-- use_concat                    use_concat                      no_expand                       Or-optimization                               qksfm_use_concat
-- use_hash_aggregation          no_use_hash_aggregation         use_hash_aggregation            A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- use_hash_aggregation          use_hash_aggregation            no_use_hash_aggregation         A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- use_hash_gby_for_pushdown     no_use_hash_gby_for_pushdown    use_hash_gby_for_pushdown       A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- use_hash_gby_for_pushdown     use_hash_gby_for_pushdown       no_use_hash_gby_for_pushdown    A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- use_invisible_indexes         no_use_invisible_indexes        use_invisible_indexes           Index                                         qksfm_index
-- use_invisible_indexes         use_invisible_indexes           no_use_invisible_indexes        Index                                         qksfm_index
-- use_nl_with_index             use_nl_with_index               no_use_nl                       Nested-loop index join                        qksfm_use_nl_with_index
-- use_semi                      use_semi                                                        SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- use_ttt_for_gsets             use_ttt_for_gsets                                               Query Transformation                          qksfm_transformation
-- use_weak_name_resl            use_weak_name_resl                                              A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- vector_read                   vector_read                                                     SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- vector_read_trace             vector_read_trace                                               SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- xdb_fastpath_insert           no_xdb_fastpath_insert          xdb_fastpath_insert             A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- xdb_fastpath_insert           xdb_fastpath_insert             no_xdb_fastpath_insert          A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
-- x_dyn_prune                   x_dyn_prune                                                     SQL Cost Based Optimization                   qksfm_cbo
-- xml_dml_rwt_stmt              xml_dml_rwt_stmt                                                XML Rewrite                                   qksfm_xml_rewrite
-- xmlindex_rewrite              no_xmlindex_rewrite             xmlindex_rewrite                XMLIndex Rewrite                              qksfm_xmlindex_rewrite
-- xmlindex_rewrite              no_xmlindex_rewrite_in_select   xmlindex_rewrite_in_select      XMLIndex Rewrite                              qksfm_xmlindex_rewrite
-- xmlindex_rewrite              xmlindex_rewrite                no_xmlindex_rewrite             XMLIndex Rewrite                              qksfm_xmlindex_rewrite
-- xmlindex_rewrite              xmlindex_rewrite_in_select      no_xmlindex_rewrite_in_select   XMLIndex Rewrite                              qksfm_xmlindex_rewrite
-- xmlindex_sel_idx_tbl          xmlindex_sel_idx_tbl                                            A Universal Feature                           qksfm_all
Github repository oracle-patterns, path: /Installed/dynamic-performance-views/sql/hint/hints.sql

See also

v$sql_hint joined to v$sql_feature_hierarchy.
Oracle Dynamic Performance Views
