Search notes:

KUP-04040: file … in … not found (Windows)

In Windows, when accessing an external table, Oracle might throw the KUP-04040: file … in … not found error message.
This error might be caused if the Oracle Service (process) doesn't have the necessary privileges to access the file.
The following PowerShell script grants the necessary rights on a given file to the Services named OracleServiceORA19:
$file                = "$home/ext/file.csv"
$oracle_service_name = 'NT SERVICE\OracleServiceORA19' 

$accessRule = new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule `
   'NT SERVICE\OracleServiceORA19'                                , `
  ([System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]::FullControl) , `

$acl = get-acl $file
set-acl $file $acl
