Search notes:

System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights (enum)

public enum FileSystemRights
      // No None field - An ACE with the value 0 cannot grant nor deny.
      ReadData                     = 0x000001,
      ListDirectory                = ReadData,     // For directories
      WriteData                    = 0x000002,
      CreateFiles                  = WriteData,    // For directories
      AppendData                   = 0x000004,
      CreateDirectories            = AppendData,   // For directories
      ReadExtendedAttributes       = 0x000008,
      WriteExtendedAttributes      = 0x000010,
      ExecuteFile                  = 0x000020,     // For files
      Traverse                     = ExecuteFile,  // For directories
      // DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles only makes sense on directories, but 
      // the shell explicitly sets it for files in its UI.  So we'll include 
      // it in FullControl.
      DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles = 0x000040,
      ReadAttributes               = 0x000080,
      WriteAttributes              = 0x000100,
      Delete                       = 0x010000,
      ReadPermissions              = 0x020000,
      ChangePermissions            = 0x040000,
      TakeOwnership                = 0x080000,
      // From the Core File Services team, CreateFile always requires 
      // SYNCHRONIZE access.  Very tricksy, CreateFile is.
      Synchronize                  = 0x100000,  // Can we wait on the handle?
      FullControl                  = 0x1F01FF,

      // These map to what Explorer sets, and are what most users want.
      // However, an ACL editor will also want to set the Synchronize
      // bit when allowing access, and exclude the synchronize bit when
      // denying access.
      Read = ReadData | ReadExtendedAttributes | ReadAttributes | ReadPermissions,
      ReadAndExecute = Read | ExecuteFile,
      Write = WriteData | AppendData | WriteExtendedAttributes | WriteAttributes,
      Modify = ReadAndExecute | Write | Delete,
