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Oracle: redo log file group

Oracle requires at least two redo log file groups.
Each group can have a different number of members. However, Oracle recommends that each group has the same number of members.
When the current redo log file group is filled up, a log switch is necessary.
Although a log file group might consist of multiple files, Oracle's documentation usually refers to a group as a log file. This makes sense given that each member's content in a group is (at least in theory) identical.

Log group status

UNUSED 1) The group was never written to. 2) After a RESETLOGS for non-current groups.
CURRENT The group that is written to by LGWR. A current group is also active.
ACTIVE A group that may be used for crash recovery
CLEARING Log is being cleared after an alter database clear logfile statement
INACTIVE Log is no longer needed for instance recovery. It might be used for media recovery.

SQL statements

alter database add logfile member '/u01/logs/MY_DB/redo02.log' to group 2;
