Search notes:


LibreOffice (as also OpenOffice) consists of six programs:

Turn off (so called) auto correction

Tools -> AutoCorrect Options -> Options -> …

Don't show red curly underlines

With spell checking turned on, Libre Office will mark misspelled words with a red curly underline.
This can be toggled with Tools -> Automated Spell Checking, or possibly more easily with Shift+F7.


Add trusted location

It seems that a document needs to be in a trusted location to run a macro.
If a document with macros is not at a trusted location, an error message is shown when the document is opened.
Tools -> Options -> Libre Office -> Security -> Macro Security -> Trusted Sources (tab).
Requires restart, apparently.

Recording macros

Macros can be recorded if this feature is enabled using the menu Tools -> Options -> Advanced.

User profile

The user profile is the directory where user specific data is stored.

History bits

1985: StarWriter by Star Division.
Between 1985 and 1999, StarWriter is renamed to StarOffice.
1999: Sun Microsystems acquires Star Division and StarOffice with it.
2000: Sun Microsystems releases source code of StarOffice as Open-Source and names it
2010 (2011?): Oracle acquires Sun Microsystems and leads development of
2010 (2011?): Because of Oracle's acquisition of, the source code base of is forked. Libre Office is born, hosted by Document Foundation.

See also

