Search notes:

OData Web API

Filtering record set

GET WEBAPIROOT/entitysName?$filter=propertyName eq 'searched Value'

Not null

Find entities where a given property is not null:
GET WEBAPIROOT/entitysName?$filter=propertyName ne null 

date values

Date literals are given in the yyyy-mm-dd format:
GET WEBAPIROOT/clients?$filter=birthday='1990-08-28'


Guids are filtered without quoting them.
GET WEBAPIROOT/tq84_entity?$filter=_account_id eq 3E49EA6C-09C5-B791-4989-B35752938F9A
If using quotes…
GET WEBAPIROOT/tq84_entity?$filter=_account_id eq '3E49EA6C-09C5-B791-4989-B35752938F9A'
… then the error message is A binary operator with incompatible types was detected. Found operand types 'Edm.Guid' and 'Edm.String' for operator kind 'Equal'.

TOP-N queries

With $top=n, its possible to specify to return the first n records only:
GET WEBAPIROOT/tq84_entity?$top=10

See also

Apparently, /stringmaps allows to query the mapping from option values to option labels in option sets.
Web APIs
