Search notes:

Create Personal.xlsb from command line

The code presented on this page can be used to create a Personal.xlsb file from the command line. It requires the VBScript MS-Office App Creator.


addReferenceToPersonalXlsb This is probably the most important function of all: it attaches the functionality of the created Personal.xlsb to the active workbook. Because of the importance, there is a keyboard shortcut to invoke the function: ctrl+F11. Undo with function removeReferenceToPersonalXlsb.
ctrl+q Copy the content of a cell without a new line (see also function copyCellWithoutNewLine)
addModule Adds a VBA module to the current VBA project. The optional parameter boolean subMain specifies if it will add a sub main to the module (default is false).
r1c1, a1 Choose reference style
createTestConstellation Parameter testFileName: a path to a VBA file.
save_ Invoked with keyboard shortcut ctrl+s (The created Personal.xlsb overwrites the default action of ctrl+s)

Source code


option explicit

sub addReferenceToPersonalXlsb() ' {
 '  Keyboard shortcut that is assigned to this function is ctrl+F11 (see workbook_open in thisWorkbook.bas)
 '  run "personal.xlsb!addReferenceToPersonalXlsb"

  ' Determine if Personal_xlsb was already added:
    on error resume next
    dim n as string
    n = application.VBE.activeVBProject.references("Personal_xlsb").name
    on error goto 0

    if n = "" then
       application.VBE.activeVBProject.references.addFromFile environ$("appdata") & "\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART\Personal.xlsb"
       debug.print "reference to Personal.xlsb was already added"
    end if

  ' Add reference to «Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3»
    on error goto errReference
    application.VBE.activevbProject.references.addFromGuid "{0002E157-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", 5, 3
    exit sub

    if err.number = 32813 then
    '  Name conflicts with existing module, project, or object library
       debug.print "reference was already added"
       msgBox err.number & ": " & err.description
    end if

end sub ' }

sub removeReferenceToPersonalXlsb() ' {
    application.VBE.activeVBProject.references.remove application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.References("Personal_xlsb")
end sub ' }

sub copyCellWithoutNewLine() ' {
 '  This sub copies the value of the currenlty selected cell (activeCell) into
 '  the clipboard WITHOUT also adding the (imho unnecessary) new line.
 '  This sub is triggered by ctrl-q  ( See thisWorkbook.bas )


'   dim dataObj As New MSForms.DataObject

'   DataObj.SetText ActiveCell.Value 'depending what you want, you could also use .Formula here
'   DataObj.PutInClipboard

   dim memory          as long
   dim lockedMemory    as long
   dim text4clipboard  as string

   text4clipboard = activeCell.value

   memory = GlobalAlloc(GHND, len(text4clipboard) + 1)
   if memory = 0 then
      msgBox "GlobalAlloc failed"
      exit sub
   end if

   lockedMemory = GlobalLock(memory)
   if lockedMemory = 0 then
      msgBox "GlobalLock failed"
      exit sub
   end if

   lockedMemory = lstrcpy(lockedMemory, text4clipboard)

   call GlobalUnlock(memory)

   if openClipboard(0) = 0 Then
      msgBox "openClipboard failed"
      exit sub
   end if

   call EmptyClipboard()

   call SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, memory)

   if CloseClipboard() = 0 then
      msgBox "CloseClipboard failed"
   end if

end sub ' }

function addModule(optional subMain as boolean = false) as vbide.vbComponent ' {
 '  Add a VBA module to the current project
    if = "Personal_xlsb" then ' {
       debug.print "activeVBProject = Personal.xlsb"
       exit function
    end if ' }

    set addModule = application.VBE.activeVBProject.vbComponents.add(vbext_ct_StdModule)

    if subMain then ' {

       dim cm as vbide.codeModule
       set cm = addModule.codeModule

       cm.insertLines 1, "option explicit"
       cm.insertLines 2, ""
       cm.insertLines 3, "sub main()"
       cm.insertLines 4, ""
       cm.insertLines 5, "end sub"

    end if ' }

end function ' }

' {
'     2020-07-06: Functionality also found in 00_ModuleLoader
' sub removeModule(nameOrNum as variant)
'     application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents.Remove application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents(nameOrNum)
' end sub ' }

sub r1c1() ' {
    application.referenceStyle = xlR1C1
end sub ' }

sub a1() ' {
    application.referenceStyle = xlA1
end sub ' }

sub add_00ModuleLoader() ' {

    if = "Personal_xlsb" then ' {
       debug.print "activeVBProject = Personal.xlsb"
       exit sub
    end if ' }

    if isModuleNamePresent("ModuleLoader") then ' {
        debug.print "ModuleLoader was already added"
        exit sub
    end if ' }

    dim mdl as vbide.vbComponent

    set mdl = application.VBE.activeVBProject.vbComponents.import("C:\Users\r.nyffenegger\github\lib\VBAModules\Common\00_ModuleLoader.bas") = "ModuleLoader"

end sub ' }

function isModuleNamePresent(moduleName as string) ' {

    dim mdl as vbide.vbComponent

    for each mdl in application.VBE.activeVBProject.vbComponents ' {

        if = moduleName then
           isModuleNamePresent = true
           exit function
        end if 

    next mdl ' }

    isModuleNamePresent = false
end function ' }

sub createTestConstellation(testFileName as string) ' {

    if = "Personal_xlsb" then ' {
       debug.print "activeVBProject = Personal.xlsb"
       exit sub
    end if ' }

    if isModuleNamePresent("loadTestModule") then ' {
        debug.print "loadTestModule was already added"
        exit sub
    end if ' }


    dim mdlLoadTestFile as vbide.vbComponent
    set mdlLoadTestFile = addModule = "loadTestModule"

    replace testFileName, "/", "\" ' make vim syntax highlightin happy: \\"

    dim cm as vbide.codeModule
    set cm = mdlLoadTestFile.codeModule
    cm.insertLines 1, "option explicit"
    cm.insertLines 2, ""
    cm.insertLines 3, "sub loadTestFile()"
    cm.insertLines 4, "  loadOrReplaceModuleWithFile ""testFile"", """ & testFileName & """"
    cm.insertLines 5, " ""main"""
    cm.insertLines 6, "  appActivate application.caption"
    cm.insertLines 7, "end sub"

    application.onKey "^m", & "!loadTestFile"


end sub ' }

sub saveAsXlsm(fileName as string) ' {

    activeWorkbook.saveAs fileName, xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled

end sub ' }

sub clearUsedRange() ' {

     with activeSheet.usedRange
     end with

end sub ' }

' sub showSheets(optional wb as workbook) ' {
'     if wb is nothing then
'        set wb = activeWorkbook
'     end if
'     dim sh as worksheet
'     for each sh in wb.worksheets
'     next xh
' end sub ' }

sub hlp() ' {
    debug.print("help (functionality.vb for Excel)")
    debug.print "  addModule true|false          ' true: with sub main"
    debug.print "  createTestConstellation  """"   ' ""p:\ath\to\file"""
    debug.print "  add_00ModuleLoader"
    debug.print "  saveAsXlsm ""filename""                     ' save activeWorkbook in xlsm format"
    debug.print "  clearUsedRange                            ' select usedRange (for verification), then call clearContents and clearFormats on activeSheet.usedRange"
'   debug.print "  showSheets [wb]                             | show name of sheets in workbook indicated by wb. If wb is missing, use current workbook"
end sub ' }

sub save_() ' {
    if activeWorkbook.path = "" then
       dim ret as variant
       ret = application.getSaveAsFilename(initialFilename := environ("userprofile"), fileFilter := "xlsm, *.xlsm, xlsx, *.xlsx")

       if ret <> false then

          if     right(ret, 5) = ".xlsm" then
                 activeWorkbook.saveAs ret, xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled
          elseif right(ret, 5) = ".xlsx" then
                 activeWorkbook.saveAs ret, xlOpenXMLWorkbook
                 msgBox ("Unknown extension")
          end if
       end if
    end if

end sub ' }


option explicit

dim withEvents app as application

private sub app_newWorkbook(ByVal wb As workbook) ' {
 '  msgBox "New Workbook: " &
end sub ' }

private sub app_SheetSelectionChange(byVal sh As Object, byVal target as range) ' {
  ' msgBox Sh.Name & " " & Target.Address(0, 0)
end sub ' }

sub workbook_open() ' {

'   msgBox "Workbook was opened: " &

    set app = application

    application.onKey "^q"    , "copyCellWithoutNewLine"
    application.onKey "^s"    , "save_"
    application.onKey "^{F11}", "addReferenceToPersonalXlsb" ' Default for ctrl+F11 is to open a «macro workbook», which apparently almost nobody uses anymore

end sub ' }


option explicit

public const CF_TEXT =    1
public const GHND    = &H42

declare function lstrcpy Lib "kernel32" ( _
         byVal lpString1 as any, _
         byVal lpString2 as any) as long

declare function GlobalAlloc Lib "kernel32" ( _
         byVal wFlags  as long, _
         byVal dwBytes as long) as long

' GlobalLock {
'      Compare with GlobalUnlock
   declare function GlobalLock Lib "kernel32" ( _
        byVal hMem as long) as long
 ' }

 ' GlobalUnlock {
 '     Compare with GlobalLock
   declare function GlobalUnlock Lib "kernel32" ( _
        byVal hMem as long) as long
 ' }

declare function OpenClipboard Lib "User32" ( _
        byVal hwnd as long) as long

declare function EmptyClipboard Lib "User32" () as long

declare function SetClipboardData Lib "User32" ( _
        byval wformat  as long, _
        byVal hMem     as long) as long

declare function CloseClipboard Lib "User32" () as long


<script language="VBScript" src="../VBS-MS-Office-App-Creator/create-MS-Office-app.vbs" />
<script language="VBScript">

   option explicit

   dim wsh
   set wsh = createObject("WScript.Shell")

   dim path
   path = wsh.environment("volatile")("appdata") & "\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART\Personal.xlsb"

   wscript.echo "Path of Excel template fie is: " & path

   dim app
   dim xls
   set xls = createOfficeApp("excel", path)
   set app = xls.application

   insertModule              app, currentDir() & "functionality.vb", "functionality", 1
   insertModule              app, currentDir() & "WinAPI.vb"       , "WinAPI"       , 1
   replaceThisWorkbookModule app, currentDir() & "thisWorkbook.vb" = "Personal_xlsb"

   app.activeWindow.visible = false

</script> </job>
