Search notes:


Command line options

dumpbin /headers
/all Display all information except disassembly. Combine with /rawdata:none to omit binary data as well
/dependents display names of required DLLs. Compare with /imports.
/directives Show .drective section.
/disasm[:{bytes|nobytes}] disassemble code sections
/errorreport:{none|prompt|queue|send} deprecated
/exports dumpbin /exports name-of.dll prints the export table of a DLL.
/headers show a Portable Executable's header information. This can be used to determine if the PE is 32 or 64-bit.
/imports[:filename] Shows the list of imported DLLs (both: statically linked and delay loaded) that are imported
/linenumbers Shows (source code?) line numbers in an object file. Requires the source code to be compiled with /Zi, /Z7 or /Zd. In order to have line numbers in the executable as well, it must be linked with /DEBUG
/loadconfig Dump the IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY structure (which is defined in winnt.h).
/nopdb Don't load symbol files (.pdb).
/out:filename Write information to specfied file rather than stdout.
/pdata Print .pdata section(?) (RISC processors only)
/pdbpath[:verbose] Try to locate the symbol files (`.pdb) the same way that Windows Debugging Tools would do.
/rawdata[:{none|1|2|4|8}[,#]] Display raw (binary) content
/section:name Restrict displayed information on sections
/summary This is the default option and displays only a short summary
/symbols Displays the COFF symbol table. A COFF symbol table exists in all object files but only in executables that were linked with /DEBUG
/tls Display an executable's IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY structure

See also

