Search notes:

Windows Portable Executable: determine if 32 or 64 bit

A Windows Portable Executable (EXE or DLL) is (nowadays) either compiled for execution in 32 or 64 bit environments. Which it is can be determined, for example with dumpbin.exe /headers xyz.dll. Because its output is rather noisy, the output might be filtered with findstr:
C:\> dumpbin /headers xyz.dll | findstr /c:"machine (x"
C:\> dumpbin /headers xyz.exe | findstr /c:"machine (x"
If the output is something like 14C machine (x86), the Portable Executable was compiled for 32-bit, if it is something like 8664 machine (x64), it was compiled for 64-bit.

Using Task manager

The task manager shows if a running process is 32 or 64 bit in the tab Details, column Platform (which must be added when task manager is started the first time).

See also

Determine if one is running a 32 or 64-bit Windows
VBA: 32-bit vs 64-bit
