Search notes:

PowerShell cmdLet get-AIPFileStatus

get-AIPFileStatus returns a Microsoft.InformationProtection.Powershell.AIP.Results.GetAIPFileStatusResult object which contains the Azure Information Protection status of the given file or the files in the given directory.
Such a status shows if the file was labeled. If this is the case, such a label contains information such as
The status also stores if the file is protected by rights management.
PS C:\> Get-AIPFileStatus $home\abc.xlsm
FileName        : C:\Users\rene\AppData\abc.xlsm
IsLabeled       : True
MainLabelId     : aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee
MainLabelName   : Internal Use Only
SubLabelId      :
SubLabelName    :
LabelingMethod  : Privileged
LabelDate       : 4/13/2021 8:28:31 AM
IsRMSProtected  : False
RMSTemplateId   :
RMSTemplateName :
RMSOwner        :
RMSIssuer       :
ContentId       :

See also

Powershell command noun: AIPFileStatus
