Search notes:

Power Query: Find difference of two tables

The following example uses Table.Join with JoinKind.FullOuter to determine the differences between to tables (missing records, changed values).
The two columns id and grp are assumed to be primary keys.
   tab_1 = #table(
    { "id", "grp", "val 1", "val 2"},
     {  1 , "x"  , "ABC"  ,    1.3 },
     {  1 , "y"  , "DEF"  ,    4.0 },
     {  2 , "y"  , "FGH"  ,    2.7 },
     {  3 , "x"  , "IJK"  ,    2.9 }
   tab_2 = #table(
    { "id", "grp", "val 1", "val 2"},
     {  1 , "x"  , "ABC"  ,    1.3 },
     {  1 , "x"  , "DEF"  ,    4.1 },
     {  2 , "y"  , "FGH"  ,    2.6 },
     {  2 , "X"  , "LMN"  ,    2.7 },
     {  3 , "x"  , "IJK"  ,    2.9 }
   tab_a = Table.TransformColumnNames(tab_1, each _ & "_a"),  // Add unique column name suffixes to prevent
   tab_b = Table.TransformColumnNames(tab_2, each _ & "_b"),   // Expression.Error: A join operation cannot result in a table with duplicate column names
   tab_joined = Table.Join(
      tab_a, {"id_a", "grp_a"},
      tab_b, {"id_b", "grp_b"},
   tab_col_miss = Table.AddColumn(tab_joined, "miss", each
      if      [id_a] = null then "A"
      else if [id_b] = null then "B"
      else                        null
   tab_col_id  = Table.CombineColumns(tab_col_miss, {"id_a" , "id_b" } , each if _{0} = null then _{1} else _{0}, "id" ), // Does coalesce operator ?? not
   tab_col_grp = Table.CombineColumns(tab_col_id  , {"grp_a", "grp_b"} , each if _{0} = null then _{1} else _{0}, "grp"), // work here?
   tab_col_chg = Table.AddColumn(tab_col_grp , "chg", each
      if [val 1_a] <> [val 1_b] or
         [val 2_a] <> [val 2_b] then "diff"
      else                            null),
   res = Table.ReorderColumns(tab_col_chg, {"id", "grp", "miss", "chg", "val 1_a", "val 1_b", "val 2_a", "val 2_b"})
