Search notes:

Excel function: lookup

There's a vector and an array form for lookup. Microsoft recommends to use vlookup or hlookup instead of the array form of lookup.
Vector form:
=lookup( lookupValue, lookupVector [, resultVector] )
Array form:
=lookup( lookupValue, array )
In both forms, the items in lookupVector or array must be sorted in ascending order, otherwise lookup does not work properly.
lookup finds the element in lookupVector or array that comes right before or is lookupValue, that is the largest element that is smaller than or equal to lookupValue.
If lookupValue is smaller than the smallest value, lookup returns #N/A.

Simple example

2019-10-01: It turns out that this example is not a good example and needs to be corrected. The thing is that lookup relies on an ordered range to perform its lookup. September returns the «correct» value in the following example by sheer chance.
option explicit

sub main() ' {


    cells(14, 1) = "September"
    cells(14, 2).formula = "=lookup(a14, a1:a12, b1:b12)"


end sub ' }

sub testdata() ' {


    cells( 1, 1) = "January"   : cells( 1, 2) =  10.1
    cells( 2, 1) = "February"  : cells( 2, 2) =   9.3
    cells( 3, 1) = "March"     : cells( 3, 2) =  11.5
    cells( 4, 1) = "April"     : cells( 4, 2) =   8.6
    cells( 5, 1) = "May"       : cells( 5, 2) =  10.2
    cells( 6, 1) = "June"      : cells( 6, 2) =   9.8
    cells( 7, 1) = "July"      : cells( 7, 2) =  11.6
    cells( 8, 1) = "August"    : cells( 8, 2) =  11.8
    cells( 9, 1) = "September" : cells( 9, 2) =  10.7
    cells(10, 1) = "October"   : cells(10, 2) =  10.8
    cells(11, 1) = "November"  : cells(11, 2) =  10.1
    cells(12, 1) = "December"  : cells(12, 2) =   9.9

end sub ' }
Github repository about-Excel, path: /functions/lookup/simple.bas

See also

match and index, match, lookup etc.
Excel functions
