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Excel function: index

index returns the nth element in an array (which can be specified as a (vertical?) range).
This function can return a range or an array if the second or third argument is 0.
= index(array; n)
= index(array; n; col)
= index(array; n; col; area)
index() returns the nth value in array.

Get nth value in array

In the following example, the function testdata fills the values into the first and third column. Then, the function =index() is used in the fourth column to select the textual representation of the first column depdening on the numerical value in the third column.
option explicit

sub main() ' {


    range(cells(1,4), cells(5,4)).formulaR1C1 = "=index(r1c1:r5c1,rc[-1])"
end sub ' }

sub testData() ' {

 '  Clear active sheet's data:

    cells(1, 1) = "one"
    cells(2, 1) = "two"
    cells(3, 1) = "three"
    cells(4, 1) = "four"
    cells(5, 1) = "five"

    cells(1, 3) = 4
    cells(2, 3) = 2
    cells(3, 3) = 4
    cells(4, 3) = 1
    cells(5, 3) = 2

end sub ' }
Github repository about-Excel, path: /functions/index/row.bas

Access specific row and column

index can also be used to access a specific row and column in a range:
option explicit

sub main() ' {


  ' Get the value of the 4th row and 2nd column
  ' in the specified range (r2c2 to r6c4), thus
  ' evaluating to "5/3"
    cells(2, 6).formulaR1C1 = "=index(r2c2:r6c4, 4, 2)"

end sub ' }

sub testData() ' {


    dim r as long
    dim c as long

    for r = 2 to 6
    for c = 2 to 4
      ' Specify the cell as text (although called numberFormat...)
        cells(r, c).numberFormat = "@"

      ' Set cell's text to row slash column.
        cells(r, c) = r & "/" & c
    next c
    next r

end sub ' }
Github repository about-Excel, path: /functions/index/row-column.bas

Using a hardcoded array

The array to choose values from can also be hardcoded with curly braces.
option explicit

sub main() ' {

    cells(2, 2).formula = "=index({""one""; ""two""; ""three""; ""four""; ""five""}, a1)"
    cells(1, 1).value   =  4

  ' It seems that index with a hardcoded array does not
  ' get updated automatically.

end sub ' }
Github repository about-Excel, path: /functions/index/hardcoded-array.bas
Apparently, when changing the index to a hardcoded array, the worksheet (or at least the the formula) needs to be recalculated.

See also

match and lookup.
The implicit intersection operator @
Excel functions
