Search notes:

Excel: The error data type

A function or formula that Excel fails to evaluate yields an error value.

Green triangle

A cell that contains an error is recognized by a green triangle in its upper left corner as shown in the the cell located at C3 in the following image:

Error values

Some (all?) excel error values are:
#DIV/0 Division by zero.
#N/A A formula cannot find what it is supposed to look for. This value is also returned by the worksheet function =na().
#NAME Unrecognized text

Numbers stored as text

A number stored as text is also considered an error (it displays the green triangle) along with the number. The triangle can be removed (suppressed) in VBA or the Immediate window with variants of:
cells(r, c).errors(xlNumberAsText).ignore = true
for each c in selection: c.errors(xlNumberAsText).ignore = true: next c

See also

Cell errors
The Errors object
The worksheet function type(value) returns 16 for error values.
Excel data types
